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Aviation Training Consultants: 800-874-5346
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    PAN-PAN- The international radio-telephony urgency signal. When repeated three times, indicates uncertainty or alert followed by the nature of the urgency.

    (See MAYDAY.)

    (Refer to AIM.)

    PARALLEL OFFSET ROUTE- A parallel track to the left or right of the designated or established airway/route. Normally associated with Area Navigation (RNAV) operations.


    PARALLEL RUNWAYS- Two or more runways at the same airport whose centerlines are parallel. In addition to runway number, parallel runways are designated as L (left) and R (right) or, if three parallel runways exist, L (left), C (center), and R (right).

    PERFORMANCE-BASED NAVIGATION (PBN) [ICAO]- Area navigation based on performance requirements for aircraft operating along an ATS route, on an instrument approach procedure or in a designated airspace.

    Note: Performance requirements are expressed in navigation specifications (RNAV specification, RNP specification) in terms of accuracy, integrity, continuity, availability, and functionality needed for the proposed operation in the context of a particular airspace concept.

    PERMANENT ECHO- Radar signals reflected from fixed objects on the earth's surface; e.g., buildings, towers, terrain. Permanent echoes are distinguished from "ground clutter" by being definable locations rather than large areas. Under certain conditions they may be used to check radar alignment.

    PHOTO RECONNAISSANCE- Military activity that requires locating individual photo targets and navigating to the targets at a preplanned angle and altitude. The activity normally requires a lateral route width of 16 NM and altitude range of 1,500 feet to 10,000 feet AGL.

    PILOT BRIEFING- The gathering, translation, interpretation, and summarization of weather and aeronautical information into a form usable by the pilot or flight supervisory personnel to assist in flight planning and decision-making for the safe and efficient operation of aircraft. These briefings may include, but are not limited to, weather observations, forecasts, and aeronautical information (for example, NOTAMs, military activities, flow control information, and temporary flight restrictions [TFR]).

    (Refer to AIM.)

    PILOT IN COMMAND- The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of an aircraft during flight time.

    (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.)

    PILOT WEATHER REPORT- A report of meteorological phenomena encountered by aircraft in flight.

    (Refer to AIM.)

    PILOT'S DISCRETION- When used in conjunction with altitude assignments, means that ATC has offered the pilot the option of starting climb or descent whenever he/she wishes and conducting the climb or descent at any rate he/she wishes. He/she may temporarily level off at any intermediate altitude. However, once he/she has vacated an altitude, he/she may not return to that altitude.

    PITCH POINT- A fix/waypoint that serves as a transition point from a departure procedure or the low altitude ground-based navigation structure into the high altitude waypoint system.

    PLAN, EXECUTE, REVIEW, TRAIN, IMPROVE (PERTI)- A process that delivers a one-day detailed plan for NAS operations, and a two-day outlook, which sets NAS performance goals for high impact constraints. PLAN: Increase lead time for identifying aviation system constraint planning and goals while utilizing historical NAS performance data and constraints to derive successful and/or improved advance planning strategies. EXECUTE: Set goals and a strategy. The Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC), FAA field facilities, and aviation stakeholders execute the strategy and work to achieve the desired/planned outcomes. REVIEW: Utilize post event analysis and lessons learned to define and implement future strategies and operational triggers based on past performance and outcomes, both positive and negative. TRAIN: Develop training that includes rapid and continuous feedback to operational personnel and provides increased data and weather knowledge and tools for analytical usage and planning. IMPROVE: Implement better information sharing processes, technologies, and procedures that improve the skills and technology needed to implement operational insights and improvements.

    PLANS DISPLAY- A display available in EDST that provides detailed flight plan and predicted conflict information in textual format for requested Current Plans and all Trial Plans.


    PLANVIEW GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (PGUI)- A TBFM display that provides a spatial display of individual aircraft track information.

    POINT-TO-POINT (PTP)- A level of NRR service for aircraft that is based on traditional waypoints in their FMSs or RNAV equipage.

    POLAR TRACK STRUCTURE- A system of organized routes between Iceland and Alaska which overlie Canadian MNPS Airspace.

    POSITION REPORT- A report over a known location as transmitted by an aircraft to ATC.

    (Refer to AIM.)

    POSITION SYMBOL- A computer-generated indication shown on a radar display to indicate the mode of tracking.

    POSITIVE CONTROL- The separation of all air traffic within designated airspace by air traffic control.

    PRACTICE INSTRUMENT APPROACH- An instrument approach procedure conducted by a VFR or an IFR aircraft for the purpose of pilot training or proficiency demonstrations.

    PRE-DEPARTURE CLEARANCE- An application with the Terminal Data Link System (TDLS) that provides clearance information to subscribers, through a service provider, in text to the cockpit or gate printer.

    PRE-DEPARTURE REROUTE (PDRR)- A capability within the Traffic Flow Management System that enables ATC to quickly amend and execute revised departure clearances that mitigate en route constraints or balance en route traffic flows.

    PREARRANGED COORDINATION- A standardized procedure which permits an air traffic controller to enter the airspace assigned to another air traffic controller without verbal coordination. The procedures are defined in a facility directive which ensures approved separation between aircraft.

    PREARRANGED COORDINATION PROCEDURES- A facility's standardized procedure that describes the process by which one controller shall allow an aircraft to penetrate or transit another controller's airspace in a manner that assures approved separation without individual coordination for each aircraft.

    PRECIPITATION- Any or all forms of water particles (rain, sleet, hail, or snow) that fall from the atmosphere and reach the surface.

    PRECIPITATION RADAR WEATHER DESCRIPTIONS- Existing radar systems cannot detect turbulence. However, there is a direct correlation between the degree of turbulence and other weather features associated with thunderstorms and the weather radar precipitation intensity. Controllers will issue (where capable) precipitation intensity as observed by radar when using weather and radar processor (WARP) or NAS ground-based digital radars with weather capabilities. When precipitation intensity information is not available, the intensity will be described as UNKNOWN. When intensity levels can be determined, they shall be described as:

      1. LIGHT (< 26 dBZ.)
      2. MODERATE (26 to 40 dBZ)
      3. HEAVY (> 40 to 50 dBZ)
      4. EXTREME (> 50 dBZ)

        (Refer to the Aviation Weather Handbook, FAA-H-8083-28.)

    PRECISION APPROACH RADAR- Radar equipment in some ATC facilities operated by the FAA and/or the military services at joint-use civil/military locations and separate military installations to detect and display azimuth, elevation, and range of aircraft on the final approach course to a runway. This equipment may be used to monitor certain nonradar approaches, but is primarily used to conduct a precision instrument approach (PAR) wherein the controller issues guidance instructions to the pilot based on the aircraft's position in relation to the final approach course (azimuth), the glidepath (elevation), and the distance (range) from the touchdown point on the runway as displayed on the radar scope.

    (See GLIDEPATH.)

    (See PAR.)


    (Refer to AIM.)

    PRECISION APPROACH RADAR [ICAO]- Primary radar equipment used to determine the position of an aircraft during final approach, in terms of lateral and vertical deviations relative to a nominal approach path, and in range relative to touchdown.

    PRECISION OBSTACLE FREE ZONE (POFZ)- An 800 foot wide by 200 foot long area centered on the runway centerline adjacent to the threshold designed to protect aircraft flying precision approaches from ground vehicles and other aircraft when ceiling is less than 250 feet or visibility is less than 3/4 statute mile (or runway visual range below 4,000 feet.)

    PRECISION RUNWAY MONITOR (PRM) SYSTEM- Provides air traffic controllers monitoring the NTZ during simultaneous close parallel PRM approaches with precision, high update rate secondary surveillance data. The high update rate surveillance sensor component of the PRM system is only required for specific runway or approach course separation. The high resolution color monitoring display, Final Monitor Aid (FMA) of the PRM system, or other FMA with the same capability, presents NTZ surveillance track data to controllers along with detailed maps depicting approaches and no transgression zone and is required for all simultaneous close parallel PRM NTZ monitoring operations.

    (Refer to AIM.)

    PREDICTIVE WIND SHEAR ALERT SYSTEM (PWS)- A self-contained system used on board some aircraft to alert the flight crew to the presence of a potential wind shear. PWS systems typically monitor 3 miles ahead and 25 degrees left and right of the aircraft's heading at or below 1200' AGL. Departing flights may receive a wind shear alert after they start the takeoff roll and may elect to abort the takeoff. Aircraft on approach receiving an alert may elect to go around or perform a wind shear escape maneuver.

    PREFERRED IFR ROUTES- Routes established between busier airports to increase system efficiency and capacity. They normally extend through one or more ARTCC areas and are designed to achieve balanced traffic flows among high density terminals. IFR clearances are issued on the basis of these routes except when severe weather avoidance procedures or other factors dictate otherwise. Preferred IFR Routes are listed in the Chart Supplement U.S., and are also available at https://www.fly.faa.gov/rmt/nfdc_preferred_routes_database.jsp . If a flight is planned to or from an area having such routes but the departure or arrival point is not listed in the Chart Supplement U.S., pilots may use that part of a Preferred IFR Route which is appropriate for the departure or arrival point that is listed. Preferred IFR Routes may be defined by DPs, SIDs, or STARs; NAVAIDs, Waypoints, etc.; high or low altitude airways; or any combinations thereof. Because they often share elements with adapted routes, pilots' use of preferred IFR routes can minimize flight plan route amendments.


    (See CENTER'S AREA.)




    (Refer to CHART SUPPLEMENT U.S.)

    PRIMARY RADAR TARGET- An analog or digital target, exclusive of a secondary radar target, presented on a radar display.

    PRM APPROACH- An instrument approach procedure titled ILS PRM, RNAV PRM, LDA PRM, or GLS PRM conducted to parallel runways separated by less than 4,300 feet and at least 3,000 feet where independent closely spaced approaches are permitted. Use of an enhanced display with alerting, a No Transgression Zone (NTZ), secondary monitor frequency, pilot PRM training, and publication of an Attention All Users Page are required for all PRM approaches. Depending on the runway spacing, the approach courses may be parallel or one approach course must be offset. PRM procedures are also used to conduct Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approach (SOIA) operations. In SOIA, one straight-in ILS PRM, RNAV PRM, GLS PRM, and one offset LDA PRM, RNAV PRM or GLS PRM approach are utilized. PRM procedures are terminated and a visual segment begins at the offset approach missed approach point where the minimum distance between the approach courses is 3000 feet. Runway spacing can be as close as 750 feet.

    (Refer to AIM.)

    PROCEDURAL CONTROL [ICAO]- Term used to indicate that information derived from an ATS surveillance system is not required for the provision of air traffic control service.

    PROCEDURAL SEPARATION [ICAO]- The separation used when providing procedural control.

    PROCEDURE TURN- The maneuver prescribed when it is necessary to reverse direction to establish an aircraft on the intermediate approach segment or final approach course. The outbound course, direction of turn, distance within which the turn must be completed, and minimum altitude are specified in the procedure. However, unless otherwise restricted, the point at which the turn may be commenced and the type and rate of turn are left to the discretion of the pilot.


    PROCEDURE TURN [ICAO]- A maneuver in which a turn is made away from a designated track followed by a turn in the opposite direction to permit the aircraft to intercept and proceed along the reciprocal of the designated track.

    Note 1: Procedure turns are designated "left" or "right" according to the direction of the initial turn.

    Note 2: Procedure turns may be designated as being made either in level flight or while descending, according to the circumstances of each individual approach procedure.

    PROFILE DESCENT- An uninterrupted descent (except where level flight is required for speed adjustment; e.g., 250 knots at 10,000 feet MSL) from cruising altitude/level to interception of a glideslope or to a minimum altitude specified for the initial or intermediate approach segment of a nonprecision instrument approach. The profile descent normally terminates at the approach gate or where the glideslope or other appropriate minimum altitude is intercepted.

    PROGRESSIVE TAXI- Precise taxi instructions given to a pilot unfamiliar with the airport or issued in stages as the aircraft proceeds along the taxi route.

    PROHIBITED AREA [ICAO]- An airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited.

    PROMINENT OBSTACLE- An obstacle that meets one or more of the following conditions:

      1. An obstacle which stands out beyond the adjacent surface of surrounding terrain and immediately projects a noticeable hazard to aircraft in flight.
      2. An obstacle, not characterized as low and close in, whose height is no less than 300 feet above the departure end of takeoff runway (DER) elevation, is within 10 NM from the DER, and that penetrates that airport/heliport's diverse departure obstacle clearance surface (OCS).
      3. An obstacle beyond 10 NM from an airport/heliport that requires an obstacle departure procedure (ODP) to ensure obstacle avoidance.

        (See OBSTACLE.)

        (See OBSTRUCTION.)

    PROPELLER (PROP) WASH (PROP BLAST)- The disturbed mass of air generated by the motion of a propeller.

    PROPOSED BOUNDARY CROSSING TIME- Each center has a PBCT parameter for each internal airport. Proposed internal flight plans are transmitted to the adjacent center if the flight time along the proposed route from the departure airport to the center boundary is less than or equal to the value of PBCT or if airport adaptation specifies transmission regardless of PBCT.

    PROPOSED DEPARTURE TIME- The time that the aircraft expects to become airborne.

    PROTECTED AIRSPACE- The airspace on either side of an oceanic route/track that is equal to one-half the lateral separation minimum except where reduction of protected airspace has been authorized.

    PROTECTED SEGMENT- The protected segment is a segment on the amended TFM route that is to be inhibited from automatic adapted route alteration by ERAM.

    PUBLIC AIRCRAFT OPERATION (PAO)- A UAS operation meeting the qualifications and conditions required for the operation of a public aircraft.

    (See AC-1.1.)

    (See AIM.)

    PUBLISHED INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE VISUAL SEGMENT- A segment on an IAP chart annotated as "Fly Visual to Airport" or "Fly Visual." A dashed arrow will indicate the visual flight path on the profile and plan view with an associated note on the approximate heading and distance. The visual segment should be flown as a dead reckoning course while maintaining visual conditions.

    PUBLISHED ROUTE- A route for which an IFR altitude has been established and published; e.g., Federal Airways, Jet Routes, Area Navigation Routes, Specified Direct Routes.