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Online CPE Course Catalog


Total courses matching: 33
New course label = Course has been added within the last 6 months.
New course label = Course has been updated within the last 6 months.
Audio course label = Course offers audiovisual presentation
Subject Area: Taxation  
Field of Study: Regulatory Ethics  
  Course Title Hours
Ethics for Tax Practitioners (2023) 2

Course Topics

  1. Sanctions for Violations
  2. Tax Preparers
Ethics in Tax Practice (2024) 2

Course Topics

  1. Authority to Practice
  2. Conduct of Practice
  3. Best Practices for Tax Advisors
Field of Study: Taxes  
  Course Title Hours
Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting 2

Course Topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)
  3. Professional Liability Risk
  4. Filing Reports
  5. Entities Required to Report
  6. Beneficial Owner
  7. Beneficial Owner Information Report (BOIR)
  8. Final Thoughts
Calculating Tax Liability for C Corporations (2024) 3

Course Topics

  1. Procedures
  2. Regular Income Tax/New Tax Law
  3. Foreign Tax Credit (FTC)
  4. Consolidated Returns
  5. Controlled Groups
  6. Estimated Tax
  7. Accumulated Earnings Tax (AET)
  8. Personal Holding Company (PHC) Tax
Choosing the Best Entity for a New Business (2024) 3

Course Topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Identifying Client Objectives
  3. General Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Type of Entity
  4. Nontax Considerations
  5. Tax Considerations
Corporate: S Corporation Formation and Operation (2023) 4

Course Topics

  1. Eligibility and Election
  2. Operations
  3. Distributions
  4. Special Taxes
Deducting Casualty and Theft Losses (2024) 3

Course Topics

  1. Qualifying Events
  2. Qualifying Property
  3. Calculating the Realized Loss
  4. Calculating the Deductible Loss
  5. Casualty Gains and Deferrals
  6. Federally Declared Disasters
Estates, Trusts, and Wealth Transfer (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates
  2. Beneficiary’s Taxable Income
  3. Gift Tax
  4. Estate Tax
  5. Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax (GSTT)
Ethics in Tax Practice 2

Course Topics

  1. Authority to Practice
  2. Conduct of Practice
  3. Best Practices for Tax Advisors
High-Income Employees: Highly Compensated Employees Hot Spots (2023) 1

Course Topics

  1. Compensation
  2. Fringe Benefits
  3. Taxes
  4. Deductions
Individual: Above-the-Line Deductions and Losses (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Above-the-Line Deductions
  2. Rental Income and Expense
  3. IRAs and Roths
  4. Simplified Employee Pension (SEP)
  5. Other Retirement Accounts, including SIMPLE Plans, for the Self-Employed
  6. Losses and Limits
Individual: Accounting Methods, Filing Status, and Dependency Status (2023) 4

Course Topics

  1. Accounting Methods
  2. Filing Status
  3. The Standard Deduction
  4. Dependency Status
Individual: Business Expenses/Losses (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
  3. Compensation
  4. Loan Costs
  5. Rent Expense
  6. Taxes
  7. Meal and Entertainment Expenses
  8. Travel Expenses
  9. Insurance Expenses
  10. Bad Debts
  11. Business Gifts/Employee Awards
  12. Other Business Expenses
  13. Business Use of Home
  14. Excess Business Loss
Individual: Exclusions from GI (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Exclusions
  2. Employee Benefits
  3. Social Security Benefits
Individual: Gross Income (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Gross Income
  2. Interest Income
  3. Income from Securities
  4. Other Gross Income
Individual: Itemized Deductions (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Medical Expenses
  3. Taxes
  4. Interest Expense
  5. Charitable Contributions
  6. Casualty Losses
  7. Elimination of Itemized Deductions Subject to the 2% AGI Limitation
  8. Other Itemized Deductions
  9. Elimination of the Overall Limitation
  10. Application
Lessons for the Tax Preparer (2023) 3

Course Topics

  1. Overview of the Issues
  2. Tax Liability and Taxpayer Penalties
  3. Procedures
  4. Tax Protesters and Frivolous Arguments
  5. Tax Evasion
  6. Structuring
  7. Tax Planning
  8. Tax Preparer Misconduct
  9. Tax Scams -- Phishing Scams
  10. Tax Scams -- Refund Theft
Partnership Basics: Basis and Allocation of Income and Loss (2023) 4

Course Topics

  1. Formation
  2. Tax Year
  3. Partner’s Taxable Income
  4. Partners Dealing with Own Partnership
  5. Treatment of Partnership Liabilities
  6. Distribution of Partnership Assets
  7. Termination of Partnership
Payroll (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Identification Numbers
  2. Income
  3. FICA
  4. Additional Medicare Tax on Earned Income
  5. FUTA
  6. Payroll Forms
  7. Payroll Payments
Practice before the IRS (2023) 4

Course Topics

  1. IRS Organizational Structure
  2. Admission to Practice before the IRS
  3. Power of Attorney/Tax Information Authorization
  4. Rules of Conduct under Circular 230
  5. Representation during IRS Examinations
  6. Appeals within the IRS
  7. Appeals to the Courts
Property Transactions: Basis and Capital Gains & Losses (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Basis
  2. Adjustments to Basis
  3. Holding Period (Sec. 1223)
  4. Capital Gains and Losses
  5. Taxation
Property Transactions: Character and Recognition for Property Sales and Exchange (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Overview
  2. Business Property
  3. Related Party Sales
  4. Installment Sales
  5. Like-Kind Exchanges
  6. Involuntary Conversions
  7. Sale of a Principal Residence
Recovering the Cost of Capitalized Assets: Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Capitalized Costs
  2. Depreciation Methods
  3. Additional Depreciation
  4. Amortization
  5. Depletion
  6. Depreciation Recapture
Reporting Income from Debt Cancellation (2023) 2

Course Topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Qualified Principal Residence Indebtedness
  3. Reduction of Tax Attributes
  4. Non-Principal Residence Property
  5. Insolvency
  6. Qualified Real Property Business Indebtedness
  7. Student Loans
Saving Your Clients Money and Getting Repeat Business: Tax Planning (2023) 4

Course Topics

  1. Importance of Tax Planning
  2. Process
  3. Individuals
  4. College Savings
  5. Retirement
  6. Businesses
  7. Business Owners
  8. Exit Plans
Schedule C Hot Spots: Sole Proprietors (2024) 2

Course Topics

  1. Filing Requirements
  2. Worker Classification
  3. Areas of Compliance
  4. Value-Adding Opportunities
Section 179 Deductions (2023) 2

Course Topics

  1. Qualifying Property
  2. Deductible Amount
  3. Additional Considerations
Self-Employed Payroll Hot Spots: S Corporation and LLC Compensation (2023) 1

Course Topics

  1. S Corporation Earnings
  2. Reasonable Compensation
  3. Fringe Benefits
  4. Limited Liability Companies
Staying Current with Tax Laws: Federal Tax Update (2024) 3

Course Topics

  1. Individual Taxes and Rates
  2. Individual Deductions/Exclusions from Income
  3. Individual Credits
  4. Individual Retirement
  5. Estate and Gift Tax
  6. Businesses
  7. Penalty Changes
  8. Quick Reference Chart
Tax Procedures (2024) 4

Course Topics

  1. Tax Preparers and Preparer Responsibilities
  2. Authoritative Hierarchy
  3. Filing Requirements
  4. Estimated Tax Payments
  5. Claims for Refund
  6. Assessment of Deficiency
  7. Collections
  8. Liens and Levies
The 30,000-Foot View: Taxes for Businesses (2023) 1

Course Topics

  1. Income Tax
  2. Other Taxes
  3. Additional Considerations
The Vacation Home (2024) 2

Course Topics

  1. Classification
  2. Rental Income and Deductions
  3. Other Limitations
Working from Home: The Home Office Deduction (2023) 2

Course Topics

  1. Qualifying Home Offices
  2. Calculating the Deduction
  3. Recordkeeping
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
Accounting Standards and SEC Reporting
Accounting for Business Combinations and Consolidated Financial Reporting
Accounting for Inventories
Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment
Audit Evidence: Concepts
Audit Planning and Risk Assessment for External Auditors
Auditing from 30,000 Feet
Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting
CIA Ethics
CIA Ethics and Standards
Calculating Tax Liability for C Corporations (2024)
Choosing the Best Entity for a New Business (2024)
Corporate: S Corporation Formation and Operation (2023)
Cost Accumulation Systems -- Traditional
Cost Management Terminology and Concepts
Current Liabilities
Deducting Casualty and Theft Losses (2024)
EA/RTRP Ethics
Estates, Trusts, and Wealth Transfer (2024)
Ethics for Tax Practitioners (2023)
Ethics in Tax Practice
Ethics in Tax Practice (2024)
Financial Statement Audit Reports
Financial Statements: Disclosures
Firm's Capital Structure
Florida CPA Ethics
High-Income Employees: Highly Compensated Employees Hot Spots (2023)
Individual: Above-the-Line Deductions and Losses (2024)
Individual: Accounting Methods, Filing Status, and Dependency Status (2023)
Individual: Business Expenses/Losses (2024)
Individual: Exclusions from GI (2024)
Individual: Gross Income (2024)
Individual: Itemized Deductions (2024)
Information Technology: Computer File Storage and Systems Security
Internal Auditing: Compliance Auditing and Other Types of Engagements
Internal Control: Basic Concepts for the External Auditor
Internal Control: Cycle Approach
Landlord and Tenant
Lessons for the Accountant from Frauds Related to Misappropriation of Assets
Lessons for the Tax Preparer (2023)
Microeconomics 2: Marginal Analysis and Market Structures
New York CPA Ethics – General Studies Course
Not-for-Profit Entities: Accounting and Reporting
Partnership Basics: Basis and Allocation of Income and Loss (2023)
Payroll (2024)
Practice before the IRS (2023)
Preparation of Financial Statements -- Clarified Standards
Preparation of a Statement of Cash Flows
Property Transactions: Basis and Capital Gains & Losses (2024)
Property Transactions: Character and Recognition for Property Sales and Exchange (2024)
Recovering the Cost of Capitalized Assets: Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion (2024)
Reporting Income from Debt Cancellation (2023)
Reporting Issues: Topics for the Independent Auditor
Saving Your Clients Money and Getting Repeat Business: Tax Planning (2023)
Schedule C Hot Spots: Sole Proprietors (2024)
Section 179 Deductions (2023)
Self-Employed Payroll Hot Spots: S Corporation and LLC Compensation (2023)
Staying Current with Tax Laws: Federal Tax Update (2024)
Tax Procedures (2024)
The 30,000-Foot View: Taxes for Businesses (2023)
The Vacation Home (2024)
Working from Home: The Home Office Deduction (2023)