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CE/CPE Course Information

Property Transactions: Basis and Capital Gains & Losses (2024)

CPE Credits: 4
Subject Area: Taxation
Field of Study: Taxes
Program Level: Overview
Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Lesson Version: 2024
Publication/Revision Date: May 31, 2024
Prerequisites/Advanced Preparation: None
Written By: James R. Hasselback, Ph.D.

After completing this course, you will be able to
  • Identify basis for various forms of property
  • Calculate adjustments to basis
  • Classify holding periods for various forms of property
  • Answer questions about capital gains and losses and the treatment for taxes
Course Topics
  1. Basis
  2. Adjustments to Basis
  3. Holding Period (Sec. 1223)
  4. Capital Gains and Losses
  5. Taxation

This QAS self-study course consists of an Audiovisual presentation, a Knowledge Transfer Outline with multiple-choice questions for study and review, and a Qualified Assessment of 20 questions.

This course is designed for your convenience. You may log out at any time during the course; your current position and all work will be saved. The next time you log in, you can resume right where you logged off.

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For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints and refunds, please contact our CPE Department at (800) 874-5346 ext. CPE (273).