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Online CPE Course Catalog


Total courses matching: 11
New course label = Course has been added within the last 6 months.
New course label = Course has been updated within the last 6 months.
Audio course label = Course offers audiovisual presentation
Subject Area: Accounting and Auditing  
Field of Study: Accounting  
  Course Title Hours
AICPA Clarified Attestation Standards 4

Course Topics

  1. Concepts Common to All Attestation Engagements (AT-C 105)
  2. Examination Engagements (AT-C 205)
  3. Review Engagements (AT-C 210)
  4. Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements (AT-C 215)
Accounting for Business Combinations and Consolidated Financial Reporting 6

Course Topics

  1. Introduction and Definitions
  2. Accounting for Business Combinations -- Acquisition Method
  3. Preparation of Acquisition-Date Consolidated Balance Sheet
  4. Consolidated Financial Reporting Subsequent to Acquisition Date
  5. Intraentity Transactions -- Eliminating Journal Entries
  6. Other Issues -- Changes in Parent’s Ownership Interest and Deconsolidation
  7. Other Issues -- Business Combination Achieved in Stages
  8. Other Issues -- Variable Interest Entities (VIEs)
  9. Other Issues -- Taxable and Nontaxable Business Combinations
Accounting for Inventories 4

Course Topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Cost Basis of Inventory – Initial Measurement
  3. Inventory Accounting Systems and Period-End Inventory Physical Count
  4. Cost Flow Methods
  5. Inventory Measurement in the Financial Statements
  6. Gross Profit Method
Accounting for Leases 6

Course Topics

  1. Introduction and Basic Terminology
  2. Lease Classification
  3. Lessee Accounting – Initial Measurement
  4. Lessee Accounting for Finance Leases – Subsequent Measurement
  5. Lessee Accounting for Operating Leases – Subsequent Measurement
  6. Lessor – Initial Accounting for Sales-Type Leases
  7. Lessor – Subsequent Accounting for Sales-Type Leases
  8. Lessor Accounting for Operating and Direct Financing Leases
  9. Sale and Leaseback Transactions
Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment 4

Course Topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Initial Measurement
  3. Measurement Subsequent to Initial Recognition
  4. Disposal of PPE
  5. Other Issues -- Change in Accounting Estimate and Error Correction in Relation to PPE
  6. Other Issues -- Asset Retirement Obligation
  7. Other Issues -- Depletion
  8. Other Issues -- Exchanges of PPE (Nonmonetary Assets)
  9. Other Issues -- Property Dividends
  10. Other Issues -- Financial Statement Disclosures
Compilation of Financial Statements -- Clarified Standards 4

Course Topics

  1. Overview
  2. General Principles for SSARSs Engagements (AR-C 60)
  3. Performing a Compilation (AR-C 80)
  4. Reporting on the Financial Statements (AR-C 80)
Current Liabilities 4

Course Topics

  1. Concepts
  2. Trade Accounts Payable
  3. Notes Payable
  4. Current Maturities of Noncurrent Debt
  5. Advances and Consideration Payable to Customers
  6. Accrued Expenses
  7. Certain Taxes Payable
  8. Compensated Absences and Postemployment Benefits
  9. Contingencies
  10. Warranties
Financial Statements: Disclosures 4

Course Topics

  1. Significant Accounting Policies
  2. Segment Reporting
  3. Interim Financial Reporting
  4. Related Party Disclosures
  5. Commitments
  6. Significant Risks and Uncertainties
  7. Subsequent Events
  8. Discontinued Operations
  9. New Disclosure Requirements
Forensic Accounting: A Fraud Emphasis 4

Course Topics

  1. Scope of Forensic Accounting
  2. Focus on Fraud
  3. Fraud Risk Model – Misappropriation of Assets
  4. Fraud Risk Model – Fraudulent Financial Reporting
  5. Investigative Resources and Methods
  6. Responding to Fraud Risk and Discovered Fraud
Lessons for the Accountant from Frauds Related to Misappropriation of Assets 4

Course Topics

  1. Overview of the Issues
  2. Types of Fraud
  3. The Fraud Risk Model
  4. Too Much Authority -- Horsing Around
  5. Lack of Oversight -- One Bad Apple
  6. Background Checks -- And Check the Checks
  7. Theft of Inventory -- A Jewel Case
  8. A Case of Lapping -- Sleight of Hand
  9. Ghosting of Employees -- Carper Caper
  10. Sale of Scrap -- Another Man’s Treasure
  11. Retail Sales -- Cash Is King
  12. Stealing Information -- Asset of a Different Color
  13. Lack of Segregation of Duties -- Move the Needle
  14. Embezzlement and Bribery -- Grave Consequences
Preparation of a Statement of Cash Flows 4

Course Topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Direct and Indirect Methods of Presenting Operating Cash Flows
  4. Worksheet Preparation (Indirect Method)
  5. Differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS
AICPA Clarified Attestation Standards
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
Accounting for Business Combinations and Consolidated Financial Reporting
Accounting for Inventories
Accounting for Leases
Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment
Audit Evidence: Applications
Audit Planning and Risk Assessment for External Auditors
CIA Ethics
CIA Ethics and Standards
Calculating Tax Liability for C Corporations (2024)
Compilation of Financial Statements -- Clarified Standards
Corporate: S Corporation Formation and Operation (2023)
Corporations: Nature, Formation, and Financing
Current Liabilities
EA/RTRP Ethics
Estates, Trusts, and Wealth Transfer (2024)
Ethics for CMAs
Ethics for Tax Practitioners (2023)
Ethics in Tax Practice
Ethics in Tax Practice (2024)
Financial Statements: Disclosures
Firm's Capital Structure
Florida CPA Ethics
Forensic Accounting: A Fraud Emphasis
High-Income Employees: Highly Compensated Employees Hot Spots (2023)
Individual: Above-the-Line Deductions and Losses (2023)
Individual: Accounting Methods, Filing Status, and Dependency Status (2023)
Individual: Exclusions from GI (2023)
Individual: Gross Income (2024)
Internal Auditing: Compliance Auditing and Other Types of Engagements
Internal Control: Basic Concepts for the External Auditor
Internal Control: Cycle Approach
Landlord and Tenant
Lessons for the Accountant from Frauds Related to Misappropriation of Assets
Lessons for the Tax Preparer (2023)
Partnership Basics: Basis and Allocation of Income and Loss (2023)
Practice before the IRS (2023)
Preparation of a Statement of Cash Flows
Property Transactions: Basis and Capital Gains & Losses (2024)
Reporting Income from Debt Cancellation (2023)
Reporting Issues: Topics for the Independent Auditor
Saving Your Clients Money and Getting Repeat Business: Tax Planning (2023)
Schedule C Hot Spots: Sole Proprietors (2024)
Section 179 Deductions (2023)
Self-Employed Payroll Hot Spots: S Corporation and LLC Compensation (2023)
Staying Current with Tax Laws: Federal Tax Update (2024)
The 30,000-Foot View: Taxes for Businesses (2023)
Working from Home: The Home Office Deduction (2023)