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Search & Survey Reading Method One should rarely read an exam preparation book like a novel. Any attempt to sequentially memorize each page from cover to cover requires an exorbitant amount of time and concentration. Instead, scan over the headings, titles, picture captions and questions before you cover the unit’s outlines. This “search and survey”...
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Questionable Encounters Many candidates believe they understand an exam question because they read it. That false assumption usually leads to the wrong answers. To avoid these unpleasant encounters with difficult exam questions, consider taking these steps to fully comprehend these inquiries: For each question answered indicate “Y” (Yes, I know the answer), “M” (Maybe I...
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One of the best ways to minimize mistakes is to correct those made in the past. This method particularly applies to studying for multiple-choice exams. Learning from the questions you answered wrong is just as important as identifying the questions you answered right. You must determine why you chose the incorrect answer so you may...
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Book the Hotel, Then Hit the Books! CIA exam candidates who live more than one hour away from the testing site should plan to reserve a hotel room for every night prior to their sitting for the exam. If you feel uncertain as to the precise location of the testing site, book rooms at several...
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Develop and enforce standards in all of your endeavors. Learn to exercise control, either implicitly or explicitly. Most endeavors will improve with explicit control. This is particularly true with certification examinations. Practice your question answering techniques as you prepare answers/solutions to practice questions/problems during your study program. Develop explicit control over your study programs based...
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Take a Break from Break Time Discussions Do not discuss the examination with other candidates during the break periods between exam times. Such conversations can increase stress and reduce confidence. The IIA does not grade these discussions. Why, then, should you allow them to negatively influence your performance? Give your a brain and body a...
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To keep test anxiety to a minimum during exam day, you should arrive to the site at least half an hour prior to taking the test. This will give you time to collect your thoughts and belongings. An early arrival will also allow you to visit the restroom, get a drink and check in without...
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Confidence is crucial. It is directly related to your determination to PASS the CIA exam and to your commitment to preparing for it. The vast majority of CIA candidates who continue to take the exam will pass. The point is that you will become a CIA if you are determined. You have already taken a...
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