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When it comes to experience, Gleim has the CIA covered. Gleim has been making review materials for the CIA exam for over 30 years. This is more experience than any other provider. The Gleim Review System has been proven throughout the years as an effective means for passing the CIA exam. Gleim provides an extensive...
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Get Back on the Horse The process of studying and taking the CIA exam can be similar to riding horses. At some point you are going to come across material that is difficult to master such as questions covering topics you haven’t looked at since you were in college. You may take some 20-question quizzes...
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Concentrate! One could classify the art of concentration as the destruction of distraction. If you have difficulty comprehending what you recently read, or have trouble listening to lectures for extended periods of time, these tips may assist you in expanding your attention span: Study in a quiet environment. For a study break, do something different...
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Memorization is not learning. To guarantee success, avoid studying multiple-choice questions merely to learn the correct answers. Begin studying each new topic by taking a multiple-choice quiz to practice answering questions you feel less confident about. Use these pre-test sessions to practice both your question-answering technique and your educated-guessing skills. A good educated guesser will...
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It is imperative that you sit down and create a study plan when you are preparing for your CIA exam, then stick to the plan! When you procrastinate you will be tempted to try and memorize the information rather than learn the concepts. Many candidates have shared with us that writing it down, whether on...
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Parts I, II, and III are considered the core global syllabus of the CIA exam. They offer a strong focus on corporate governance and risk issues and exhibit alignment with The IIA’s International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF). Part IV of the CIA exam is designed for modification for regional and audit specialization testing. Hence, The...
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Stick to the Schedule Before you begin the process of studying, you must develop a schedule. If you don’t have a schedule or plan for studying, then you will not have any way of allocating your valuable time when the unexpected comes up. A good, well-planned schedule will help ensure you are adequately prepared on...
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The goal with your CIA exam preparations is not only to answer questions correctly, but also to understand why you answered a question incorrectly. Below are some common reasons for missing questions. Misreading the requirement (stem) Failing to understand what is required Making a math error Applying the wrong rule or concept Being distracted by...
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This CIA Prep Tip concerns your study schedule. The CIA exam tests a vast amount of material. Because you have limited time to study and review all of the subject matter, it is crucial that you establish a study schedule and stick to it. The first step is to examine your schedule. Write down how...
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Follow Gleim’s suggested steps when using your CIA Review System Before you begin your review using Gleim’s CIA Review System, contact your Personal Counselor or access the CIA System For Success to receive a step-by-step process you can follow to help you study. This method has been proven effective and puts Gleim’s CIA candidates in...
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