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Email Updates

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Book Updates

Gleim provides updates for Gleim books either online or via email. Our update service is designed to help Gleim customers obtain the most current information available for the product they have purchased. The updates most often contain corrections or additions to certain portions of the text, but also may contain breaking news that details more general, global changes to a product (e.g., that an exam board has changed the format of a part of the exam, etc.). Updates to an edition of a product are only available until the release of a new edition.

To see the update for your book onscreen immediately, select your product by clicking on the link. Alternatively, you can use the Email Me Service by checking the appropriate box or boxes, entering your email address, and clicking the "Email Me" button.

Please view the updates applicable to your edition/printing as many times as you like. Be sure to check them just a few days before you intend to take your exam to ensure you have the most current information. These pages are dedicated to text and figure updates only. If you have a concern with the content of the information, please use our Accounting Question Submission Form to submit your inquiry.

Product Image
CIA Review Part 1: Essentials of Internal Auditing
2024 Edition
Product Image
CIA Review Part 2: Practice of Internal Auditing
2024 Edition
Product Image
CIA Review Part 3: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing
2024 Edition

You can use the Email Me Service by checking the appropriate box or boxes, entering your email address, and clicking the "Email Me" button.

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