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Items to Bring

Question: What items should I bring to the exam site? What items should I not bring? Answer: Candidates should bring the following items to the exam site: Authorization Letter (Mandatory). Photo I.D. (Mandatory). A nonprogrammable six-function calculator with only addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square root and percentage functions. With the exception of numerical memory, The […]

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Group vs Self Study

When preparing for the CIA exam, you must decide whether you will add a group study component to your self-study efforts. Group study entails meeting and interacting with other CIA candidates. The benefits of this interaction include: Assistance in your studies thanks to other individuals Interactive environment can stimulate and facilitate learning Some groups include […]

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Search & Survey Reading Method

Search & Survey Reading Method One should rarely read an exam preparation book like a novel. Any attempt to sequentially memorize each page from cover to cover requires an exorbitant amount of time and concentration. Instead, scan over the headings, titles, picture captions and questions before you cover the unit’s outlines. This “search and survey” […]

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Character Counts!

Character Counts! I haven’t been working in the field long so I don’t know many CIAs. Is there someone else I can get a character reference from other than a CIA? Generally, the IIA would prefer to receive character references from another CIA, a supervisor, or a professor in the field. However, the organization makes […]

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International Credentials

“I earned my degree from an international university. Most of my career experience spawns from companies located outside the U.S. How does my education and professional experience apply to The IIA’s eligibility requirements?” The IIA recognizes that academic degrees differ due to cultural or societal factors. The organization does its best to accept internationally recognized […]

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Testing Sites

Question: I am planning on sitting for the CIA exam in May. Where are the testing sites in my area? Answer: Candidates should choose the most convenient location from the exam site list on The IIA’s website and enter the appropriate site number on their application. The IIA makes every attempt to accommodate site requests. […]

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First Computerized EA Grade Release

Many candidates who sat for parts of the EA exam between October 5, 2006, and December 1, 2006, will receive mailed grade reports this week. Grades are reported on a scale from 40 to 130 where 105 is passing. Do NOT try to calculate your percent correct from the scaled score. Candidates received different forms […]

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IIA Board of Regents

One of the most important responsibilities of the IIA Board of Regents involves updating and enhancing the sources of exam questions, which in their entirety constitute the common body of knowledge. Consequently, the scope and content of the CIA exam appear to evolve in a predictable manner. The IIA announces the addition of new topics […]

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How long am I eligible to take the exam?

Question: How long am I eligible to take the exam? Answer: A candidate has an initial eligibility period of two years (five examinations) after The IIA approves his/her first registration. The eligibility period is subsequently extended for two years each time the candidate sits for a part. A candidate’s eligibility expires only if he/she does […]

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