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Audio Reviews

Audios are an excellent way to learn the material you need for the CIA exam during non-traditional study time. The Gleim CIA audio review series consists of one 30-minute overview for each of the 10 Gleim study units covering each part of the exam. The audios are broken down into subunits that correspond with the […]

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Increase in The IIA Membership Dues

The IIA recently announced it will be increasing Annual Membership Fees. These increases will be effective March 1, 2012, for new members and for existing members with expiration dates of 2/29/12 or later. The new membership fees will be $215 for regular members in the US & Caribbean and $235 for regular members in Canada. […]

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Practice Advisories

Question: I am preparing for Part 1 of the CIA exam and I noticed that the Gleim books publish the practice advisories in full in the appendix. How important are these? Answer: Gleim covers all the practice advisories throughout the book, the appendix is only there for easy reference. Candidates who have used the book […]

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Read Questions Carefully

On the CIA exam, read questions carefully, noting key words. Read the question stem to determine the precise requirement. Focusing on what is required enables you to ignore extraneous information and to proceed directly to determining the correct answer. Be especially careful to note when the requirement is an exception. Words such as except, least, […]

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Timeframe to Pass EA Exam

Question: The current 10-month testing window will soon be closed. I was only able to pass two parts this past testing window. Can I still take the third part in the next window even though it will be testing on different tax laws? Answer: Candidates who pass a part of the exam can carry over […]

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Sign Up Now

Sign Up for Your Exam Now! EA candidates have only two weeks to finish preparing for a part and take the exam before the close of the testing window on February 29, 2012. Sign up now for your testing date to beat the last-minute rush, and ensure you get the testing center, date, and time […]

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Final Review

With the close of the current EA testing window approaching on February 29, 2012, many candidates are probably trying to finish studying for a part of the exam. As your exam approaches, be sure you have completed all the study units in the Gleim EA Review System. Then, spend about 10-20 hours using the EA […]

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First Steps to Becoming a CIA

Question: I am considering sitting for the CIA Exam. What is my first step? Answer: You must first become knowledgeable about the exam. Determine if you meet or will meet the requirements, which part you will want to begin with, and if you are exempt from any part due to other certifications you may have. […]

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