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Bad Study Habit #1

Normally, this section offers successful study tips to ensure that you pass the EA exam on your first attempt. This week, however, begins a series in which we point out some poor study habits which you should avoid picking up from start to finish. Music’s in the Air Explanation: Loud noises and music can interfere […]

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15th Edition vs. 16th Edition

Question: What is the difference between the 15th and 16th Edition CIA Review materials? Answer: The 16th Edition CIA Review System was rearranged so that the topic flow more closely matches The IIA’s Exam Content Outlines. In addition, we have utilized customer feedback to streamline our outlines so they present what is needed to pass […]

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Tax Conferences

Visit Gleim at the National Association of Enrolled Agents Conference in Las Vegas The 2012 National Association of Enrolled Agents is being held in Las Vegas this week. Stop by the Gleim booth August 5-7 to register for your chance to win either a Gleim Review System (for the exam of your choosing) or a […]

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Retaining Credit

Question: Do I have to sit for all three parts in the same 10-month testing window? Answer: No. Candidates can sign up for the exam one part at a time. Candidates who pass a part of the exam can carry over passing scores for up to two years from the date the candidate took the […]

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CIA Practice Exam Now Available

Our top priority is for you to pass the CIA exam on your first attempt. As a result, we have created the new CIA Practice Exam. The Gleim CIA Practice Exam is 2 hours and 25 minutes long and contains 90 multiple-choice questions, just like the actual CIA exam. Therefore, it tests you not only […]

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Which Edition Should I Use?

Question: I bought the EA Review materials last year, but plan to sit for the exam in 2012. Can I use my old materials to pass the exam? Answer: Beginning May 1 of each year the EA Exam will test the previous year’s tax laws. Those tax laws will be covered through the end of […]

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Form 23

Once a candidate passes the EA Exam they must file Form 23 with the IRS. The individual must have their PTIN before they can apply. The IRS says it generally takes about 60 days to process applications. Enrollment status is not effective until the request has been approved and an individual is not authorized to […]

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Review Materials in Other Languages

Question: Do you offer CIA Review materials in languages other than English? Answer: No, Gleim does not directly sell CIA Review materials in other languages other than English. However, some international IIA institutes have translated our materials and made them available to CIA Candidates. Here are the IIA institutes (listed by location) that have translated […]

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EA New Edition

Question: I purchased the 2011 Edition of the Gleim EA Review materials. How can I get the updates for the 2012 Edition? Answer: If you ordered the Gleim EA Review System 2011 Edition (package consisting of book, Test Prep Software, Audio Review, and Gleim Online) and will be taking the exam in the upcoming testing […]

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