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EA Blog

The questions on the examination are directed toward the tasks that enrolled agents must perform to complete and file forms and tax returns and to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service. The examination covers federal taxation and tax accounting and the use of tax return forms for individuals, partnerships, corporations, trusts, estates, and gifts....
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Provisional PTIN Candidates who have a provisional PTIN may continue to prepare all types of tax returns and claims for refund through December 31, 2013, provided they complete any required continuing education requirements and renew their PTIN timely each year. The IRS will be providing guidance for those who have expired PTINs in January 2012....
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Question: How far in advance – the earliest, the latest – can I register before the exam date? Answer: Candidates will benefit from registering and scheduling as early as possible, as this will enable them to choose a test date and time that is most convenient. If space permits, a candidate may register and schedule...
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Schedule Your Exam! It is important to be in control when preparing and taking the EA exam. One way to do this is by scheduling an appointment for the actual exam early. You are more likely to schedule a date and time that is convenient for YOU if you do not wait until the last...
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Last week I offered some reminders about why you shouldn’t let the holidays distract you from your goal of passing the EA Exam. It can be easy to remember why you want to become certified, but sometimes it is difficult to figure out how to put that into action. Here are a couple of helpful...
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Question: Now that the EA exam is offered pretty much continuously throughout the year, when does the IRS start testing new tax laws? Answer: Beginning May 1 of each year the EA exam will test the previous year’s tax laws. Gleim typically releases a new edition of EA review a couple months before the new...
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There is no breaking news about the EA exam at this time. Be sure to browse the Archives for information that is still relevant, because every posting on the EA Candidate Forum is designed to help you PASS the EA exam with confidence!
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Do Not Get Distracted Undoubtedly, this is one of the hardest times of the year to study. With all of the holiday traveling, merry-making, and relaxing on your plate, how can you possibly think about preparing for the EA exam? I know you work hard and deserve a break. However, I thought it was important...
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Question: “I am a college professor who recommends Gleim materials to my students, and I would like to use Gleim to study for the EA exam. Does Gleim offer any discounts on materials for my personal use?” Answer: Any professor who recommends or requires students to use Gleim products can purchase our Test Preparation materials...
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