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EA Blog

This Study Tip concerns forecasting the topics to be tested on the EA exam. All EA prep courses and publishers attempt to track and understand the topics tested on the exam. The purpose is to make their study materials and presentations as relevant and as helpful as possible to EA candidates. Some review providers, however,...
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This weeks forum is regarding the renewal of your EA Status. EAs with Social Security numbers ending in 4, 5, or 6 should have mailed in Form 8554 (Application for Renewal of Enrollment to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service) by January 31, 2008. OPR has mailed all the new enrollment cards to those EAs...
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To ensure that all candidates are tested under equally favorable conditions, the following regulations and procedures will be observed at each testing center. Please note: these regulations and procedures are not all-inclusive. 1- Arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled examination appointment. 2- Present a valid (government-issued), nonexpired form of identification that contains both...
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Prometric posted a web-based tutorial of the computerized EA exam to their website,, on October 26. Candidates are advised to view this tutorial to familiarize themselves with the exam environment prior to taking the exam. However, Gleim Online and the Test Prep CD-Rom already replicate the computerized environment of the Prometric testing center. Our...
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Prometric recently updated the EA Examination FAQ on their website They provide answers to questions regarding scheduling, the exam format, the scoring process, and other exam related topics. Click the link below to view the FAQ. EA Exam FAQ
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The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) administers the laws for the practice of attorneys, CPAs, enrolled agents, enrolled actuaries and appraisers before the IRS as set forth in Treasury Department Circular No. 230. In addition, OPR reviews applications from individuals who wish to become enrolled agents or enrolled actuaries. OPR was established in January 2003...
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A much higher percentage of candidates are passing the EA exam than ever before. The exam is not necessarily easier, but candidates are more prepared given, they can review for the exam one part at a time. More than other candidates, Gleim candidates know what to expect and how to handle the new exam format....
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Many candidates who sat for parts of the EA exam between October 5, 2006, and December 1, 2006, will receive mailed grade reports this week. Grades are reported on a scale from 40 to 130 where 105 is passing. Do NOT try to calculate your percent correct from the scaled score. Candidates received different forms...
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There has been some confusion among EA candidates regarding carryover credit from previous EA exams. To retain credit, candidates must have met the retention requirements in effect for the 2005 exam. Grade reports sent for previous exams indicate whether the candidate retained credit for passing parts. To alleviate some confusion, the IRS will mail letters...
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