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EA Blog

Now that the EA exam is computerized and offered on demand, the IRS will not provide a challenge process as they did in previous years. Instead, candidates will be surveyed at the conclusion of the examination, which will allow an opportunity to provide both Thomson Prometric and the IRS with feedback on the examination questions...
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New Updates Available As a service to our customers, we provide updates to the current edition of our books, Test Prep, and Gleim Online via the Internet and email. We constantly provide updates as needed for the life of the edition. Our update service exists to help you obtain the most current information for the...
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Registration for the EA exam opened on December 1, 2006 for January and February 2007. The new form 2587 to register for the EA exam is located in the back of the EA Candidate Bulletin and may be submitted via mail, fax, or Online. Use the Online form to register and schedule an exam in...
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Prometric and the IRS have released the new EA Candidate Bulletin for the current testing window. This informative brochure provides details on the computer-based, three-part EA exam. It contains 10 pages explaining the exam scheduling process and testing procedures, 5 pages of exam topics, and the exam application form 2587. Click the link below to...
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The IRS posts a list of the topics for the computerized Enrolled Agent Exam. This list is based, in part, on the results of a survey of over 10,000 enrolled agents. While it represents the knowledge needed for the tasks performed by enrolled agents, not all of the topics will appear on the exam and...
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Carryover of scores under the computerized exam Candidates can sign up for the exam one part at a time. Candidates who pass a part of the exam can carry over passing scores up to two years from the date the candidate took the examination. For example, let’s assume a candidate passes part 1, which the...
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Question: Will there be a calculator in the exam? If so, what functions will it have? Answer: Yes, candidates have access to a four-function calculator. No other functions are required for the calculations you will perform on the exam. The calculator is currently part of the exam software, but examiners soon plan to give out...
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A total of 8,054 candidates tested between October 5th and December 2nd 2006. Part 1 had a total of 3,068 candidates, and 58.84% passed; Part 2 had a total of 2,899 candidates, and 74.50% passed; and Part 3 had 2,087 candidates, and 79.64% passed. It is important to understand that comparison of pass rates among...
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New Security Measures at Prometric Testing Centers Prometric will be providing Biometric Identity Management Service to all their clients, including the EA Exam. The Biometric service includes electronic fingerprinting. Candidates will be required to present a valid driver license as well as an electronic fingerprint when they sign in for the exam. The new system...
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