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EA Blog

Question: What happens if I need to reschedule my exam? Will I have to pay a penalty? How do I reschedule? Answer: If you need to reschedule your exam – for another date, time, or location – you must contact Prometric. Rescheduling fees are as follows: NO FEE if you reschedule at least 30 calendar...
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How to Study Using EA Gleim Online: Step One Our system for using the EA Gleim Online to prepare for the EA exam allows you to self-evaluate your knowledge, test-taking ability, and determination by using a series of steps to complete your initial pass through each study unit. Step 1: Complete the first 20-question multiple-choice...
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You will have 3.5 hours to answer about 100 multiple-choice questions. As you work through the questions, monitor your time. Your goal is to answer all of the questions and achieve the maximum score possible. This means that, if you allocate 1.5 to 2 minutes per question, you will require about 2.5 to 3.3 hours,...
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If you pass, the score report will only show a passing designation; it will not show a score. The scaled passing score is 105. If you do not pass, your score report will show a scaled score between 40 and 104. You will also receive diagnostic information, with results by topic, to assist you with...
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Question: While I was taking the EA exam I think I found an error, can I give you the question to tell me if I am correct or not? Answer: Unfortunately, the EA exam is a non-disclosed exam, and we are unable to answer your inquiry, if it pertains to a question from the EA...
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Register for the EA exam Candidates need to register well in advance of the date they plan to take an exam part. Register now to guarantee a convenient appointment and location for you. The quickest way of registering and scheduling your EA exam is online at It is a one-step process that will allow...
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Question: I registered for the EA exam and noticed I made an error when completing the registration. How can I make a change to my name on the EA exam registration? Answer: Once you complete your registration you cannot go back and edit your name. You must re-register for the EA exam in order to...
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This week we present the seventh installment in our series on poor study habits that you should avoid while you prepare for the EA exam. Click here to see Bad Habit #6. The Commute Explanation: Many people enjoy using their ride to work or school as a chance to study with the Gleim CIA Review...
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This week we present the sixth installment in our series on poor study habits that you should avoid while you prepare for the EA exam. Click here to see Bad Habit #5. Multi-Tasking Explanation: Busy accounting professionals are accustomed to performing several activities simultaneously. This juggling act may prove effective when there are many daily...
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