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EA Blog

How to pass the EA – Step 7 Sit for and PASS the EA exam while you are in control. Gleim Guarantees Success! You have completed the registration process, scheduled your exam, and studied hard. Now, sit for your exam and pass! Gleim makes taking the EA a breeze. We prepare you to expect the...
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How to pass the EA – Step 6 Work systematically through each study unit in the Gleim EA Review System. Gleim has divided the overall task of preparing for the EA exam into units for each part of the exam. Each study unit for EA Gleim Online contains two 20-question multiple-choice quizzes, a 30-question True/False...
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Question: If I don’t pass the test, how long do I have before I can retake the test? Is there any time frame for the tests? Answer: You may retake a failed exam as soon as you wish. No waiting period. In addition, you may attempt the same exam part up to four times in...
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Physical Preparation Leading Up to the Day Before the Exam Knowing how to study stretches beyond the best ways of understanding concepts in a book or answering questions on a computer. As a candidate, you should create a study regimen that accommodates your body’s needs. This strategy allows you to increase your rate of learning...
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How to pass the EA – Step 5 Schedule your exam with Prometric (online or call center). Now that you have registered with Prometric, schedule your exam. The date you schedule your exam for must be no later than one calendar year from the time your registration was completed. Click here for guidelines and tips...
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Reviewing Multiple-Choice Quizzes When reviewing multiple-choice quizzes, make sure you understand why your reasoning was incorrect on any question you missed so you have a better feel of where to focus your study efforts. That being said, you should also review any questions you answered correctly to ensure you chose the correct answer for the...
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How to pass the EA – Step 4 Register for the EA examination by obtaining a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) and registering for your desired Part via Form 2587 by fax, mail, or going online. You have communicated with your Personal Counselor and you have a study plan. You know when you will be...
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How to Pass the EA exam – Step 3 Now that you have purchased the Gleim EA Review System (which consists of books, Test Prep Software, Audio Reviews, and Gleim Online) communicate with your Personal Counselor to design a study plan that meets your needs. Your Personal Counselor will help you devise a study plan...
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How to pass the EA – Step 2 Obtain your review materials. Purchase the Gleim EA Review System including books, Test Prep Software, Audio Reviews, and Gleim Online to thoroughly prepare for the EA exam. The Gleim Review System allows busy EA candidates to maximize their limited time and pass the EA exam the first...
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