For over 50 years, Gleim has been the best way to prepare for the CPA Exam.
Our materials are structured to help you improve and turn every mistake into a learning opportunity. Every question in our course has explanations for the right and wrong answers because Gleim helps you understand the concepts behind the questions. Our approach has been vetted by authors with prestigious university careers—passionate educators who have spent their lives training new generations of accounting professionals.
You’ll learn quickly, but more importantly, you’ll build a deep understanding of the topics that will serve you throughout your accounting career.
“The answer explanations went above and beyond, and the book was organized in such a concise way that it made studying much easier.”
Morgan Zaytseva, Future CPA, Staff Auditor
You don’t just get the best materials. You get industry-leading tools and features that guarantee you a passing score. SmartAdapt™, our adaptive online platform, is your personal exam tutor. It evaluates your performance, directs you to the resources you need, and adjusts as your quiz scores improve. SmartAdapt even tells you when you’re ready to take your exam.
“It is not a cookie cutter system that is the same across the board or just random. It helps you narrow down and focus on the areas that you struggled with and need to brush up on to help you pass on the big day.”
Jessica Flick, CPA, Senior Tax Accountant II at LKQ Corporation
The best way to build your confidence is to get familiar with the Prometric testing environment you’ll encounter on test day. All of our questions match the exam, but the full-length Mock Exams built into the course give you an authentic test-day experience. Our mock exams reproduce everything, from the look and length of the test to the weighting of the topics, exactly like you’ll encounter on the real CPA Exam. When you’re finished, any topics you still need to brush up on will be emphasized in your personalized Final Review.
“If you want to experience a prepared feeling going into any section of the CPA exam, Gleim will allow you that experience.”
Leslie Arnold, Future CPA, Senior Accountant at i3 Interests
If you have questions, our live support team has the answer. Our Personal Counselors can help you set up your study plan, and from start to finish, they are there to guide you, celebrate with you, and most importantly, they’ll ensure your exam success. You decide how much you want them involved in your exam prep!
“My Personal Counselor was always good about checking in and was quick with an answer to any question I threw at her.”
Chris Dahlvig, CPA