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CMA Blog

Data Analytics Lesson 5: Excel Function Basics
Read all about the basics of Excel functions with the continuation of our Data Analytics series! Learn the formatting and logic of Excel functions.
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Data Analytics Lesson 4: Cell References
Learn how to make cell references in Microsoft Excel as part of our series on Data Analytics continues!
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Lesson 3: Data Analytics Excel Calculation Rules
How do you modify data in Microsoft Excel? Gleim goes over the Excel Calculation Rules to help you prepare for your CPA, CMA or CIA certification exams!
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Data Analytics Excel Shortcuts
Our blog series on Data Analytics continues! Gleim goes over the most common Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts to help you master your CPA Exams!
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Lesson 1 Data Analytics: Excel Basics
Our Data Analytics series continues going over the basics of Excel. Learn how to manipulate your spreadsheets efficiently and quickly.
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Understanding Data Analytics in the digital era
Start here for our in depth look at Data Analytics and how this topic applies to accountants around the world. We go over the basics you need to know and in future blogs we'll go over more details to make you an expert!
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Getting noticed by recruiters while unemployed or furloughed
Job hunting? Guest blogger Stephanie Ng shares her insights on getting noticed by recruiters. Read her five things to do today to land your dream job.
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Studying for the CMA exam over the holidays.
Even if you don’t celebrate any holidays personally, there are plenty of people around you who will. Between responsibilities at work, family obligations, and various celebrations and parties going on, you can be pretty sure that your time will be stretched over the next few weeks. Here are some study tips for the holiday season...
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