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Find the right CMA exam study amount for you

CMA Study Time

If you’re planning on taking the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) exam, you may not be sure how long you need to study for. In this post, we’ll discuss the best way to tackle CMA exam prep and provide a few examples of potential study schedules you can follow.

How much time should you devote to studying?

First, let’s talk about how much time you should realistically devote to studying for the CMA exam. This is a difficult question to answer because every person is different. The answer depends on several factors, including your starting knowledge, how quickly you learn and retain information, and whether you have other commitments that will take up some of your time.

The CMA exam is not easy, but with enough preparation, you can pass. That said, most people will need to devote at least 300 hours to studying for the CMA exam on average. It takes around 170 hours to study for Part 1 and 130 hours for Part 2. This may seem like a lot, but remember that the CMA credential is a valuable one that can help you advance your career

How to best study for the CMA exam

There are a few different ways that you can study for the CMA exam. You can use a CMA exam prep course, study on your own, or hire a tutor. The best way to study depends on your learning style.

For example, if you want extra help and one-on-one attention, a tutor may be the best option for you. On the other hand, if you value flexibility and learning on-the-go, self-study materials may be a better fit.

If you’re not sure how to start studying or what method will work best for you, we suggest answering a few of our free CMA exam practice questions. This assessment covers both parts of the exam and will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

When you’re setting up your CMA study schedule, don’t forget to account for the CMA exam testing windows. You don’t want to rush studying and then have to wait until testing is available.

Example CMA exam study plans

Now that we’ve gone over how to study for the CMA exam and how much time you should dedicate to studying, let’s look at a few example schedules. These schedules will help you visualize how different study plans affect how long it takes to prepare for both Part 1 and Part 2, which you’ll study for and take individually.

Our CMA Review Course breaks up the CMA exam topics into bite-sized Study Units—Part 1 has 20 Study Units and Part 2 has 15. Our study schedules also cover what pace you’ll progress through the Study Units. You’ll find some Study Units more difficult than others, so don’t worry if some take you a little longer than others. Depending on your background knowledge, some topics will be easy for you and some will take some extra study time.

Remember, these are only examples. Every person’s situation is different, so make sure to tailor your schedule to fit your needs.

5 hours per week study plan

300 study hours in 15 months
  • Study for 1 hour per day, 5 days per week
  • Complete at least 1.5 Study Units every 2 weeks
  • Do at least 2 adaptive multiple-choice quizzes and adaptive essays every 2 weeks
  • Take Part 1 in 34 weeks and take Part 2 in 26 weeks

This slow study plan is not recommended because it will take you so long to finish studying for Part 1 that by the end, you’ll probably have forgotten some critical details from your first few weeks. If you only study for a few hours each week, you’ll have to spend more time reviewing topics to refresh your memory than studying new topics. 

We recommend following a more rigorous strategy to get the most out of your study time. 

12 hours per week study plan

300 study hours in 6.3 months
  • Study for 2.4 hours every day, 5 days per week
  • Complete at least 1.5 Study Units per week
  • Do at least 2 adaptive multiple-choice quizzes and adaptive essays per week
  • Take Part 1 in 14.2 weeks and take Part 2 in 10.8 weeks

This is our recommended study schedule for most people. On average, candidates can pass both parts of the CMA exam in just over 6 months using this schedule. 

If you have a bit more time to study, consider increasing your study hours per week.

15 hours per week study plan

300 study hours in 5 months
  • Study for 2.5 hours every day, 6 days per week
  • Complete at least 2 Study Units per week
  • Do at least 4 adaptive multiple-choice quizzes and adaptive essays per week
  • Take Part 1 in 11.3 weeks and take Part 2 in 8.7 weeks

This increased study pace will set you up to pass your exam sooner, but it’s a busier schedule. If you’re working full time and have other rigid time commitments it could be difficult to fit in this many study hours each week.

20 hours per week study plan

300 study hours in 3.7 months
  • Study for 3.3 hours every day, 6 days per week
  • Complete at least 3 Study Units per week
  • Do at least 5 adaptive multiple-choice quizzes and adaptive essays per week
  • Take Part 1 in 8.5 weeks and take Part 2 in 6.5 weeks

This rigorous study schedule will put you on track to pass the CMA exam quickly and reach your goals sooner. Before you commit to this schedule, be sure you can block out enough hours and can stick to your plan.

25 hours per week study plan

300 study hours in 3 months
  • Study for 3.6 hours every day, 7 days per week
  • Complete at least 4 Study Units per week
  • Do at least 8 adaptive multiple-choice quizzes and 8 adaptive essays per week
  • Take Part 1 in 6.8 weeks and take Part 2 in 5.2 weeks

This is an aggressive study plan for people who want to finish their studies as quickly as possible. This plan may be ideal for students and others who have breaks or time off to study. However, we don’t recommend this approach for everyone. This schedule can be difficult to stick to and may lead to burnout. 

Remember, the most important thing is to find a study schedule that works for you. If you can stick to your schedule and put in the work, you’ll be well on your way to passing the CMA exam.

CMA exam study schedules summary


Sit for Part 1 in: Sit for Part 2 in: Pass the CMA exam in:
Study 5 hours per week 34 weeks/
8.5 months
26 weeks/
6.5 months
60 weeks/
15 months
Study 12 hours per week 14.2 weeks/
3.6 months
10.8 weeks/
2.7 months
25 weeks/
6.3 months
Study 15 hours per week 11.3 weeks/
2.8 months
8.7 weeks/
2.2 months
20 weeks/
5 months
Study 20 hours per week 8.5 weeks/
2.1 months
6.5 weeks/
1.6 months
15 weeks/
3.7 months
Study 25 hours per week 6.8 weeks/
1.7 months
5.2 weeks/
1.3 months
12 weeks/
3 months

CMA exam study tips

Knowing what to study is just one part of the equation. Let’s finish with a few general tips to help you succeed.

  1. Make time: First, make sure to give yourself enough time to study. As we mentioned before, most people will need at least 300 hours to prepare for the exam.
  2. Create a study schedule: Having a plan will help you stay on track and motivated. Be sure to stick to your schedule!
  3. Take practice exams: This will help you get used to the format of the exam and ensure that you’re able to complete it within the allotted time.
  4. Take breaks: Studying for the CMA exam can be stressful, so make sure to take some time for yourself. Relax and recharge so that you can go into your studies refreshed and ready to learn.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to passing the CMA exam and becoming a Certified Management Accountant. Our CMA Review course will set you up for success and provide the support you need to stick to your study plan and reach your goals. Good luck!