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CIA Blog

“I earned my degree from an international university. Most of my career experience spawns from companies located outside the U.S. How does my education and professional experience apply to The IIA’s eligibility requirements?” The IIA recognizes that academic degrees differ due to cultural or societal factors. The organization does its best to accept internationally recognized...
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Question: I am planning on sitting for the CIA exam in May. Where are the testing sites in my area? Answer: Candidates should choose the most convenient location from the exam site list on The IIA’s website and enter the appropriate site number on their application. The IIA makes every attempt to accommodate site requests....
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One of the most important responsibilities of the IIA Board of Regents involves updating and enhancing the sources of exam questions, which in their entirety constitute the common body of knowledge. Consequently, the scope and content of the CIA exam appear to evolve in a predictable manner. The IIA announces the addition of new topics...
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Question: How long am I eligible to take the exam? Answer: A candidate has an initial eligibility period of two years (five examinations) after The IIA approves his/her first registration. The eligibility period is subsequently extended for two years each time the candidate sits for a part. A candidate’s eligibility expires only if he/she does...
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How many questions are on the CIA Exam and how long do I have to answer them? You have 210 minutes (3.5 hours) to answer 125 questions. If you allocate 1.4 minutes per question, you will use only 175 minutes. You can spend the remaining 35 minutes to review your answers and transfer them to...
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Questionable Encounters Many candidates believe they understand an exam question because they read it. That false assumption usually leads to the wrong answers. To avoid these unpleasant encounters with difficult exam questions, consider taking these steps to fully comprehend these inquiries: For each question answered indicate “Y” (Yes, I know the answer), “M” (Maybe I...
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The IIA seeks qualified individuals to write questions for the CIA exam. The IIA awards $50 (U.S.) to writers for each accepted multiple-choice question. In lieu of payment, writers may instead choose to have five (5) Chapter Achievement Program (CAP) credits for each accepted question. The CAP credits will go toward their local IIA affiliate....
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Plan ahead for the exam and systematically prepare for it. Go to the exam and give it your best. Neither you nor anyone else can expect more. If you have undertaken a systematic preparation program, you will do well.
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Because of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the demand for internal auditors has substantially increased. The CIA designation is an excellent way to increase your marketability by providing you with a comprehensive education necessary to utilize the tools of the trade. It serves as the only globally accepted certification for internal auditors. Your decision to pursue this...
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