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You’re an EA–Now What?
So, you’ve passed the Enrolled Agent exam and are now an EA. Congratulations! Now, what comes next? The career options are virtually limitless. Below, we'll explore the skills and experience that you need to be successful in these roles. We'll also provide some tips on how to find an EA position that's perfect for you.
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Get to Know J.T. Eagan | EA Gleim Instruct Professor
Meet Gleim Instruct Professor J.T. Eagan! Learn about his career path, how the EA will benefit your career, and his advice for candidates!
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2021 Stevie Awards: Gleim earns gold for Customer Service
We won the gold Customer Service at the 2021 Stevie Awards! Read all about why Gleim is #1 not only in exam prep, but exam support as well!
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Top 3 troubling tax season topics from Gleim EA Review and National Association of Tax Professionals.
How do stimulus checks, unemployment, and filing season extension affect the 2021 tax season? The NATP answers these questions so you can be ready!
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Getting noticed by recruiters while unemployed or furloughed
Job hunting? Guest blogger Stephanie Ng shares her insights on getting noticed by recruiters. Read her five things to do today to land your dream job.
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pass the enrolled agent exam
If receiving your EA designation is one of your New Year’s resolutions, you might be feeling overwhelmed and maybe even a little nervous. Relax; we’ve got some tips for you.
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EA Candidate Spotlight: Florence Nkeiru Obijiofor - Passing during a global pandemic
Meet Florence Obijiofor a working wife and mom who successfully passed the EA exam during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read how she managed and her tips for you!
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Getting to Know Gleim Personal Counselor Soncera Keene.
We Interview one of Gleim's Personal Counselors, Soncera Keene! Hear from her why Gleim has the best customer service for your accounting exam prep!
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How to make the most of your time studying at home
Quick tips to efficiently study at home to pass your accounting certification exams! Make the most of your study time with Gleim Exam Review!
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