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This week’s Study Tip discusses the importance of reviewing questions answered correctly. It is imperative to verify that you answered questions correctly for the right reasons. Otherwise, if the material is tested on the EA exam in a different manner, you may not answer it correctly. This will help you be a better test taker...
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EA Examination Preparation Checklist Apply to take the exam as far in advance as possible. If space permits, you may register and schedule up to 2 days prior to your test date. Acquire your study materials. Rely on the Gleim EA Review System as your primary study source. Plan your study program. Gleim Personal Counselors...
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Usually the Study Tip of the Week is filled with tips on what TO DO when preparing for the exam or once you get to the testing center. You may benefit by reading the following list of WHAT NOT TO DO: Arrive at the exam site upset, late, tired, etc. — Get there early and...
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Study Plan, Budget, and Calendar Last week we posted the final step in how to study with the Gleim Review materials. Before you begin studying you want to be sure you have a study plan and time budget prepared and have it written down on a calendar. Complete one study unit at a time. In...
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Share Your Thoughts Your feedback is extremely important to us. That’s why we appreciate any comments or suggestions about our materials while you are studying and, more importantly, soon after you take the exam. Please take the time to email, fax, or write us with your impressions on our test preparation materials. Our interests lie...
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How to Study Using EA Gleim Online: Step Four Last week, you learned that Step Three of using EA Gleim Online involves taking the True/False Study Quiz for about 30 minutes. Step Four Study the Knowledge Transfer outline for about an hour, specifically the troublesome areas identified from the multiple-choice and true/false quizzes. These outlines...
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1- Review the IRS’s “Enrolled Agent Special Enrollment Examination: Licensing Information Bulletin”, available via 2- Contact Prometric to register for your examination, and to schedule an appointment and pay to take the examination 3- Prepare for your examination using Gleim’s EA Complete System, available via, or by calling 1 (800) 874-5346 4- Take...
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Question: I have heard there are a few questions on the exams that are included for IRS research purposes. How will these affect my scores? Answer: Your examination may include some experimental questions that will not be scored. If present, they are distributed throughout the examination and will not be identified as such. These are...
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How to Study Using EA Gleim Online: Step Three Our system for using the EA Gleim Online to prepare for the EA exam allows you to self-evaluate your knowledge, test-taking ability, and determination by using a series of steps to complete your initial pass through each study unit. Step Three: Spend about 45 minutes completing...
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How to Study Using EA Gleim Online – Step Two Our system for using the EA Gleim Online to prepare for the EA exam allows you to self-evaluate your knowledge, test-taking ability, and determination by using a series of steps to complete your initial pass through each study unit. Step 2: Use the Online audiovisual...
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