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Question: Should I talk to my Personal Counselor if I don’t understand a specific topic in my EA review? Answer: The Personal Counselors have a wealth of knowledge about the exam itself and how to effectively study with your complete system, but they do not answer technical accounting questions. Gleim has experts in accounting available...
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While studying for the EA exam you might find yourself frustrated by the long study hours or particular topics that you find difficult. One way you may avoid being frustrated during your preparation is by concentrating on your motivation to take and pass the exam. A promotion at work, a pay increase, greater standing in...
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Having a professional certification will do more than just increase your salary. It can help make up for mediocre grades or a lack of experience. Certifications are a great way to open doors. Enrolled Agents (EAs) are individuals who have demonstrated special competence in tax matters and professional ethics, and have been enrolled to practice...
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Question: How much time do I have to complete the EA Exam? Answer: For each of the three parts of the the EA Exam you will have 3.5 hours to answer 100 multiple-choice questions. Your total seat time will be 4 hours to allow for a tutorial and survey.
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Most candidates who do not pass the EA exam on their first attempt have not adequately prepared prior to the exam. To pass, you should: Use the Gleim EA Review System, which consists of books, Test Prep Software download, Audio Reviews, Test Prep for Windows Mobile, and EA Gleim Online. Have frequent interaction with your...
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Question: When do I need to apply for renewal if I do not have a social security number? Answer: You must apply for renewal between November 1 and January 31 prior to April 1 of the year that your next enrollment cycle begins. If you are a foreign citizen enrolled to practice before the Internal...
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Be a success in whatever you choose to do with your life. People learn and grow as individuals and therefore need to find their own personalized system to achieve success. For me, making a career of the things I enjoy most was the only way to go. Remember that there is no substitute for studying...
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Question: Will paper and pencil be provided at the Prometric testing center? Answer: Yes, scratch paper and pencils are provided at the testing center. Some testing centers may provide candidates with a hand-held calculator, but all testing centers provide an onscreen scientific calculator.
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This Study Tip concerns learning about the EA exam. Become an expert on the EA exam! To outperform other EA candidates, you must know more about the EA exam than they do. This expertise includes knowledge of: Subject matter covered on the exam How the exam is prepared Types of questions on the exam Rules...
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The EA exam is underway. Maintain a positive attitude and do not become depressed if you encounter difficulties either before or during the exam. An optimist will usually do better than an equally well-prepared pessimist. Remember, you have reason to be optimistic, because you will be competing with many less-qualified persons who have not used...
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