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ICMA Gold medal winner
Many candidates sit for the CMA exam in each of the three testing windows open annually, but only one from each can claim the Gold Medal. It is a prestigious honor awarded to the window’s highest scorer. For an exam where only 35% of candidates are expected to pass Part 1, that is quite an...
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Man thinking about the breakdown of the CMA exam multiple choice questions
You have signed in to the testing center, finished the tutorial, and clicked to begin the multiple-choice section of your CMA exam. Now, you must work your way through 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) within 3 hours. Candidates who are able to navigate and conquer the MCQs with relative ease are those who have both studied...
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New edition of the #1 CMA review course
The best CMA review course on the market just got better with the launch of the new 2017 edition of Gleim CMA Review. In keeping with our tradition of delivering the best content for the greatest value, we have enhanced Gleim CMA Review 2017 with plenty of new features. Of course, we’ve also preserved the original...
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raising hands for being the CMA champions
The training montage is a familiar sight in pop culture. The protagonist spends a minute doing push-ups or studying or running up stairs and is suddenly equipped to tackle a challenge that was previously out of arm’s reach. It is an excellent narrative element but, unfortunately, not the way the world really works. The CMA...
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CMA candidates conquer mountain top using Gleim
Passing the CMA exam can seem like an endless uphill battle, but the reward of reaching the top is worth every step. Furthermore, candidates don’t have to make the journey toward becoming a CMA alone when they use Gleim CMA Review, #1 CMA Prep Course. With Gleim CMA by his side, Alec Epkes summited CMA...
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Girl thinking why become a CMA
Gleim is excited about the release of our new CMA Gleim Instruct Video series as part of our CMA materials – the review course trusted by more ICMA Medal Winners. The new Gleim Premium CMA Review System features over 40-hours of comprehensive videos from university instructors and includes in-depth instruction on detailed examples and multiple-choice...
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The CMA exam is a formidable challenge, but it can serve as the starting blocks for a successful future as an accountant. Those who condition themselves to look beyond the finish line of the CMA exam sprint strengthen their knowledge to thrive throughout the marathon of their accounting careers; and the Gleim CMA Review System...
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Using flashcards to study for the CMA exam
IMA Award Winner Amy Ford discusses her strategy to using flashcards to study for the CMA exam. Learn how to apply her method to your studies with Gleim!
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Hallie D’Agostino, CMA, CPA, recently received a master’s in accounting from Kent State University and is currently working as a CPA at Grant Thornton LLP in Cleveland. While completing her degree, Hallie used Gleim CMA Review to prepare for and pass the CMA exam. When Gleim asked her about her CMA exam experience, Hallie was...
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