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Interest in Incorrect Answers I cannot overemphasize the value of learning from one’s mistakes. Each question you answer incorrectly serves as an opportunity to avoid missing actual questions on your CIA exam. Review the explanations so you may understand the concept behind not only the right answer but the wrong ones as well. This study...
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Stay Confident! Confidence is crucial. It is directly related to your determination to PASS the CIA exam and to your commitment to preparing for it. Being prepared psychologically is very important. A positive attitude while preparing for and taking the exam aids retention of information and improves reasoning ability. The best way to develop this...
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Don’t panic. You have spent months preparing for this examination. While there is still some study time left, don’t dwell on details. If there is one question you repeatedly answer incorrectly, don’t focus on it. Focus instead on the study units you consistently perform poorer on and do not worry about one or two questions....
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A major adjustment facing most CIA candidates is that the CIA exam has a 45% pass rate and requires a 75% correct response rate to attain a passing score. Accounting students generally enjoy 90% plus pass rates and focus on 90% plus exam scores. CIA candidates must adjust their expectations and be satisfied with 75%...
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Just like preparing for an Olympic event, preparing for the CIA exam requires discipline, endurance, and a good training plan. And just as Olympic athletes use a personal trainer to help motivate and guide them, Gleim’s CIA candidates use the Personal Counselor to help them successfully prepare to pass the CIA exam. The Gleim CIA...
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The CIA exam is a major undertaking which requires a major investment of time and money. The CIA certification is the most well known and prestigious auditor certification. It is also an international certification which can be used worldwide. We have helped over 1,000,000 accountants attain their CIA, CMA, and CPA certifications. Let us help...
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This Study Tip concerns assistance with technical questions and feedback. Inquiries Gleim will respond to any questions about the CIA exam and the Gleim study materials that may arise throughout your exam preparation. Gleim has an efficient and effective way to submit an inquiry and receive a response regarding Gleim materials. This system also allows...
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The IIA Board of Regents is continually updating and enhancing the sources of the exam questions, which, in their entirety, constitute the common body of knowledge. At the same time, the scope and content of the exam appear to evolve so as to be predictable to CIA candidates. Addition of new topics and deletion of...
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Question: If I pass the final part of the CIA exam next week can I immediately as of that date use the CIA designation or do I have to wait 3 months for my CIA certificate (which will be sent to my local IIA chapter)? Or, do I only have to wait for my official...
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Gleim’s Online courses offers candidates the same experience as the real CIA exam. Flag questions for later review and get a feel for the layout that is presented to better prepare for your exam date. When reviewing the results of a Gleim Online multiple-choice quiz, you can choose to review specific questions, namely questions that...
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