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You must have a thorough review to become familiar with the topics you will be expected to know to pass the CIA exam. Moreover, it is imperative you practice answering multiple-choice questions in an exam environment. Another key skill that will put you in position to succeed is knowing how to budget your time to...
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Question: Where can I sit for the CIA Exam? Answer: The CIA examinations are administered at Pearson VUE testing centers, which are located in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, and Japan. A complete list of these test centers, addresses, and driving directions can be found at Click on the “Locate a Test...
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Question: I will be moving to Europe before I am able to complete the CIA Exam. Will taking the remaining sections in a different country affect my status? Answer: The IIA chose Pearson VUE to administer the computer-based CIA Exam, allowing you to test year-round at more than 500 locations worldwide. Candidates should be able...
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Multiple-Choice Test-Taking Tactics: Part II This week we continue our examination of reliable tactics for taking multiple choice exams: 4. Remain wary of options which include unqualified absolutes, such as “never,” “always,” “is,” “are,” “guarantees,” or “insures.” The restrictive nature of these answers are very difficult to defend, and therefore rarely possess the right answer....
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A number of IIA Chapters around the country have partnered with Gleim to ensure their members’ success on the CIA exam. As a result of the partnerships, participating chapters’ members are eligible for discounts on Gleim CIA Review materials. If you are unsure if your Chapter is involved in the Gleim IIA Chapter Partnership program...
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The following test taking tactics encompass the entire multiple-choice exam spectrum. Furthermore, the IIA takes careful steps to structure the CIA Exam so as to curb the effectiveness of these common techniques. Therefore, these tactics should serve as general guidelines rather than specific rules, and should never substitute the tried and true method of utilizing...
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Question: At the end of the new computerized examination, are they going to give candidates the score report right away before leaving the room, or will candidates have to wait a couple weeks? Answer:The test center staff will provide you with a printed ‘unofficial’ score report and dismiss you after completing all necessary procedures. Note...
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Let’s face it. The CIA exam is extremely difficult compared to other exams you have taken. Because of the large volume and variety of topics, you must adjust to answering questions that require educated guessing. Challenge yourself by starting your study of each unit with a multiple-choice quiz in test mode of your CD-Rom. When...
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The Gleim system is the easiest, fastest, and most effective method for passing the CIA examination. Our System for Success book contains the information you need to be an expert on the CIA exam. Many candidates believe that they know everything about the CIA examination and do not bother to read the System for Success...
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Normally, this section offers successful study tips to ensure that you pass the CIA exam on your first attempt. This week, we continue a series in which we point out some poor study habits that you should avoid picking up from start to finish. This is the eighth in our series of bad habits to...
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