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Last week we discussed the third step to passing the CIA Exam. Plan and practice exam execution. Anticipate the exam environment and prepare yourself with a plan that includes the following: When will you arrive? How will you be dressed (e.g., comfortable or layered clothing)? How much time will you spend on each question? What...
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Question: What is the difference between the 15th Edition and the 16th Edition? Answer: The CIA exam has not changed since the release of the 15th Edition. The 16th Edition has been rearranged; the flow of topics is now more closely matched to The IIA’s Exam Content Outlines. In addition, we have utilized customer feedback...
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Perfect your question-answering techniques. Last week we discussed the second step to passing the CIA Exam. The third step to being a successful CIA candidate is to practice answering prior exam questions to perfect your question-answering techniques. Answering recent exam questions helps you understand the standards to which you will be held and helps you...
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Question: How long am I eligible to take the exam? Answer: According to The IIA a candidate’s eligibility expires if all exam parts have not been completed within 4 years of application approval. If a candidate’s eligibility expires, the candidate loses credit for any part(s) passed and must submit a new CIA Exam Application Form...
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Learn and understand the subject matter tested. Last week we discussed the first step to passing the CIA Exam. The second step to being a successful CIA candidate is to learn and understand the subject matter being tested. We have analyzed The IIA exam content outlines as well as CIA exams for 30+ years. We...
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Question: Does Gleim offer any live review courses for the CIA exam? Answer: Gleim has been helping candidates prepare for the CIA exam using our proven self-study review materials for over 30 years. At the request of instructors who want to use our trusted review system, we have developed our Professor-Led Review program. Click here...
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Audios are an excellent way to learn the material you need for the CIA exam during non-traditional study time. The Gleim CIA audio review series consists of one 30-minute overview for each of the 10 Gleim study units covering each part of the exam. The audios are broken down into subunits that correspond with the...
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The IIA recently announced it will be increasing Annual Membership Fees. These increases will be effective March 1, 2012, for new members and for existing members with expiration dates of 2/29/12 or later. The new membership fees will be $215 for regular members in the US & Caribbean and $235 for regular members in Canada....
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Question: I am preparing for Part 1 of the CIA exam and I noticed that the Gleim books publish the practice advisories in full in the appendix. How important are these? Answer: Gleim covers all the practice advisories throughout the book, the appendix is only there for easy reference. Candidates who have used the book...
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On the CIA exam, read questions carefully, noting key words. Read the question stem to determine the precise requirement. Focusing on what is required enables you to ignore extraneous information and to proceed directly to determining the correct answer. Be especially careful to note when the requirement is an exception. Words such as except, least,...
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