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Contact Us : 800.874.5346        International: +1 352.375.0772


Task Type: Elective | Points Value: 15 points


You are able to table at events for your school (Meet the Firms, accounting fairs, etc.) that directly correlate to accounting at your school or the accounting profession. Recently, we’ve seen several Meet the Firm virtual events. You can represent Gleim while you attend these. You don’t need to discuss Gleim during the entire event but can mention Gleim while you speak with the firms. We have talking points available for you to use. While tabling, you are making yourself available to answer questions.

If you are tabling in person, you will provide a sign-in sheet for students who want more information and provide Gleim materials to students (informational booklets, pens, sticky notes, etc.). Use the raffle entry cards for students to enter their name in the raffle drawing. Remember to bring a bowl or container to place the entries. The prize for the raffle drawing will be shipped to the winner, who will be randomly drawn by the Campus Rep Coordinator after the event. The prize is a Gleim shirt.

If you are attending a virtual event where you are representing Gleim, you can ask students to send you their name and email address as a way to sign in, and to submit their name in a raffle drawing.

You will need to take a photo of your table and/or submit your raffle sheets or sign-in sheets in order to receive points for this activity. You can request a sign to put on your table and a black tablecloth as well.

In-person Events

Talking Points for Event

  • Gleim has over 45 years of helping candidates pass the CPA, CMA, CIA, and EA exams.
  • Gleim has resources to aid students on their accounting path, including free downloads and accounting certification exam guides. They also have an Accounting Career Resource Center that can be viewed and shared here.
  • Gleim is used by more than 10 top accounting programs in the nation, more than any other provider.
  • Gleim has several professor resources and tools to help in the classroom, including free desk copies. 
  • Share your experience with the Campus Rep program. Discuss how it benefits students and professors. Highlight the personal and professional skills you’ve developed from the program. Let them know that they can get more information and learn about other Campus Rep experiences on our page here.

    Additional comments and suggestions:

    Attach your sign-in sheet below.

    Attach your raffle sheet below.
