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Contact Us : 800.874.5346        International: +1 352.375.0772

Start an Accounting Club or Chapter

Task Type: Elective | Points Value: 50 points


If your school does not have an accounting club or a chapter for an accounting association, such as IMA, BAP, or IIA, then we would like you to champion a club or chapter.

Steps to Take

  • Discuss the proposal with your professor and accounting department for assistance.
  • Reach out to the association to receive the formal steps and contact to start the chapter.
  • Begin recruiting members while going through the process of creating the club or chapter.


  • Research the benefits the chapter or club will offer students, including networking and sponsorship opportunities, plus awards you all can collectively receive as a chapter.
  • Try to recruit students to become members before you start the chapter. The process can be a long one to get students interested, so the sooner you start getting students excited to join, the better. Send out personal emails and text messages to follow up with them. Share the benefits of joining the club or chapter.


  • Design your mission and objectives for the club or chapter.
  • Elect club officers.
  • Apply for funds for the club (will likely come from the head association).
  • Create a calendar for meeting dates and club events.

Where and when to meet

  • Select a designated place to meet on campus.
  • Most rooms can be reserved for free on campus.
  • Try to stick to the same days and times to be consistent.

Additionally, each student who joins your club or chapter is eligible to receive one free EQE online test bank of their choice. Share this offer with your attendees at the first meeting so they can redeem it! You can get the details about the Gleim EQE here.

After your club has been formed, you may use the event flier to recruit members and invite students to the meetings.

Each club meeting will have a raffle drawing for the students who attended. You may randomly select one winner during the meeting or submit the sign-in sheet for the Campus Rep Coordinator to randomly select a winner. The prize is a Gleim t-shirt.

Task Submissions

Event Flier 

    Attach event flier below

    Attach raffle cards below

    Attach sign-in sheet below
