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Contact Us : 800.874.5346        International: +1 352.375.0772

Social Media Posts

Task Type: Elective | Points Value: 2 points per post


Post any of your Campus Rep activities on social media to earn points, including presentations, focus groups, tabling, or any other events where you are representing Gleim or sharing Gleim materials. You can post to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter. Remember to tag Gleim. The more original the content, the more points you can receive. Points range from 0.5-3 points and are up to the discretion of the Campus Rep Coordinator. Points may also be awarded for promoting specific social media posts we send you, such as sales, free offers, and other marketing campaigns. Make sure you submit your post in the Campus Rep Resource Center to earn your points. Tag @gleimaccounting or use the hashtag #GleimCampusReps in all your posts!

    Provide links to social media post(s) or attach screenshot(s) below.*
