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Follow Gleim on Social Media

Task Type: Mandatory | Points Value: 5 points


You are required to follow Gleim on at least one social media platform, but you can follow as many as you like. You’ll receive 5 points for liking each main page. We have social pages for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Facebook, and LinkedIn, have multiple pages, but we ask that you follow at least the main pages. You can find the links to each social media platform below.

Submit the screenshots for each social platform you follow.

You are also encouraged to state that you are a Gleim Campus Rep on your social media profiles. You may add this link: to your bio to help your followers learn more about Gleim. Submit the screenshots after updating your profile pages to earn your points.

You may also use the Campus Rep digital badge. Use the guidelines below to learn how to use and display the badge. You can use the badge and the link above to place in your email signature, social media bio, resume, and anywhere else to show you are a Gleim Campus Rep.

Let your social followers know about your new position—share the badge and link in a social post. Don’t forget to tag Gleim!

Follow the instructions on our Campus Rep Link & Digital Badge blog to use your Campus Rep digital badge.

Download the Campus Rep Digital Badge

    Attach your screenshot(s) below.*
