Present to an accounting class or at a club meeting about the CPA, CMA, CIA, EA, and FMAA certifications and the importance of dual certification. If you are not on campus, you can record yourself and present virtually. Many types of gatherings may qualify for completion of this task – check with your Campus Rep Coordinator to determine whether yours does.
Use the Campus Rep Presentation PDF and accompanying Script PDF available below in this task for your presentation. Add your contact information to the end of the presentation so your peers can contact you if they have questions or would like to learn more about the Campus Rep program. This is a great opportunity to recruit your successor!
If you are presenting in person:
If you are presenting virtually:
Additionally, each student who attends your presentation is eligible to receive one free EQE online test bank of their choice. Share this offer with your attendees (included on a slide in the Campus Rep Presentation) so they can redeem it!
Ideas for Presentations
If you would like to request an event, presentation, or webinar from our Campus Rep Coordinator, you may use the Event Request Form.
Task Submissions
Sheet (for in person events)