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Contact Us : 800.874.5346        International: +1 352.375.0772

Refer Peers to Purchase Materials

Task Type: Elective | Points Value: 5-25 points


You may have students approach you about purchasing Gleim materials. Those students can purchase materials online or may call Gleim directly. To receive credit for referring them, they must provide your name as a reference or you must let the Campus Rep Coordinator know that you referred them. Any student with a valid .edu email address qualifies for our Student Pricing. The points you earn vary based on the specific purchases made. Please refer to the point chart. To encourage students to use your name as a referral, inform them they will receive a free Gleim shirt with their purchase if they tell us you referred them.

There are no items required to submit for this task.

Student Discounts

Point Chart
Premium Review System Set 25
Traditional Review System Set 20
One Section of Either Review System 5
Any Other Purchase 2