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Contact Us : 800.874.5346        International: +1 352.375.0772

Pizza Party

Task Type: Elective


Coordinate a pizza party at your school to share the Gleim review courses with your peers.

Ask your school’s accounting department if you can reserve a room for the event to take place. You can also coordinate the pizza party with the club officers to host it during an accounting club meeting.


You will have a budget of $75 to be reimbursed. Ask your accounting department if they already have a pizza provider so you can order with the academic rate. If not, you will need to do your research to find the best rate. We recommend looking into big chains and rewards programs, such as Dominos Pizza. Please submit your receipt into the file submission below so you can be reimbursed.

Use the Campus Rep Presentation PDF and accompanying Script PDF available below in this task for your presentation. Add your contact information to the end of the presentation so your peers can contact you if they have questions or would like to learn more about the Campus Rep program. This is a great opportunity to recruit your successor!

Here are the resources you can use during your event:

  • You can use the branded, editable flier so you can enter your presentation information, print it, and hang it wherever appropriate for your event.
  • You can also use the Gleim swag in your box to distirbute to students at your event (e.g., pens, sticky notes, and folders).
  • You can pass out the Gleim Connection cards, which are a means for you to hold a raffle. For every ten participants, Gleim will choose one winner and send them a prize (usually a shirt or mug). 

Additionally, each student who attends your presentation is eligible to receive one free EQE online test bank of their choice. Share this offer with your attendees (included on a slide in the Campus Rep Presentation) so they can redeem it! You can get the details about the Gleim EQE here.

Note: A pizza party can be a great opportunity to promote a Focus Group.

After your party, please submit the list of students who attended, as well as the receipt. 

Task Submissions

Event Flier 

    Attach the sign-in sheet

    Attach the receipt
