Contact Us : 800.874.5346        International: +1 352.375.0772
Contact Us : 800.874.5346        International: +1 352.375.0772

Monthly Check-in

Task type: Mandatory | Points Value: 2


You need to check in with your Coordinator during the first week of each month.

Tip: Set a reminder in your calendar to check in at the start of each month.

Fill out the form below.

    Please list tasks you have recently completed.

    Please list tasks you are planning to complete this month.

    Please list any accounting-related events you plan to attend.

    Please list any webinars, presentations, or events you are aware of in the upcoming months.
    If any, please include the name of the event, who is hosting the event, and the host’s contact info, as well as whether you'd like Gleim to participate.

    What challenges, if any, did you experience last month while completing your program tasks? Do you anticipate any challenges you may encounter this month as you complete program tasks, or that may hinder you from completing tasks?

    Tell us more about your time management with the Campus Rep program in coordination with school, work, family, and any other obligations.

    Do you have any additional thoughts, questions, or concerns that you'd like your Campus Rep Coordinator to know?
