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Contact Us : 800.874.5346        International: +1 352.375.0772

Instagram Takeover

Task Type: Elective | Points Value: 10

We are looking for students (off or on campus) to participate in our Instagram Team Takeovers. The Takeovers are hosted every other month with a different theme. You don’t need to access the Gleim Instagram account; our social media team will post your content for you. Listed are all the instructions and the types of content (photos and a couple short videos) that you need to provide. The guidelines for how to film the videos are also included. Review the examples of previous Instagram Takeovers so you know what to expect.


  1. Review the previous Takeover videos and Instagram Story highlights to get a better idea of what to expect from the Takeover. Here are the previous Takeovers we’ve done.
  2. Submit your content (photos and videos). The images and photos will need to be submitted at least a week in advance so our team has time to format the videos and make edits to photos, if necessary. We try to avoid touching the photos as much as possible so it remains authentic.

Here are examples of photos we need from contributors:

  • Photo for your promotional post that will be released at the start of the day on all social platforms
    • This is ideally a head shot
    • It doesn’t have to be a professional photo, but it needs to be clear and large
  • Photo of your morning beverage or photo of how you get your day started (walking outside, waking up with your pet)
  • You at your work/study space at home, or a photo of only your work/study space if you want to leave yourself out of it
  • A photo of you on campus or at home where you study/sit for classes (if you are taking classes online)
  • Photo of you with your Campus Rep shirt if you already received it
  • Favorite part about being a Gleim Campus Rep (we don’t necessarily need an image for this, just write a quote/caption letting us know what it is). The social team will add the text on a blank colored template in Instagram Stories. If you have an image that conveys your favorite thing about being a rep, then we can use it
  • Photo of your lunch or snack
  • Photo(s) and text of what tasks you’ve completed or are working on right now for the program — you can be as creative as you like with this
  • Photo with your “office assistant” or “study buddy” (pet), if you have one — if not, photo of an inspirational quote that keeps you motivated
  • Share some benefits of being a Campus Rep, either with pics and captions or just text that we can place on a blank template
  • Share one of the FAQs you receive as a Campus Rep. Please provide a question and your answer in Q&A style. We can add this as a slide on a blank background for Instagram Stories

Please provide captions/text to all of the images you send so it can be in your words and voice as much as possible.

Videos (2)

The talking points for each video are listed so you can speak in your own words. You can write a script if you like so you have it in front of you, but avoid “reading” on camera.

  • Both videos need to be at least 60 seconds long to run on IGTV
  • Intro Video:
    • Greet the audience
    • Welcome them to another Instagram Team Takeover
    • Introduce who you are – name and school
    • Your role as a Campus Rep
    • How long you’ve been a Campus Rep
    • How you heard about the program
    • Let them know you’ll be covering an inside look into your role and duties as a rep, info about the program, and how to join
    • Also, let students and professors know that part of your role as a rep is to help professors learn how Gleim can help them in their classrooms
    • Share that Gleim has resources for professors on our website and that they can request free desk copies for the CPA, CMA, CIA, EA, and FMAA exams
    • Share your favorite part about being a Campus Rep so far and what else you are excited about during the program
    • Ask them to stay tuned for your next video at the end of the day to learn how to join the program and how to earn a free review course of their choice
    • Tell viewers to follow along in our Instagram Stories as you share your day with them
  • Outro Video:
    • Thank viewers for watching
    • Let them know before you wrap up for the day that you want to let students know how they can join the Campus Rep program (mention that the link will be provided in the caption)
    • Repeat some of the benefits of the program
    • Highlight that the tasks to complete are possible to finish online even if students and classes are not on campus
    • Let them know how you balance being a rep while being a student
    • Let them know you’ve enjoyed sharing your day with them. They can always reach out to Gleim for questions and support
    • Remind them to tune in for our next Instagram Team Takeover

Example Videos of Insta Takeover

Soncera – intro & outro
Maddie – intro & outro
Miranda – intro & outro
Christina – intro & outro

    Attach Instagram Takeover file(s) below or provide a link to your video.
