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FAR/AIM: Subpart F—Valparaiso, Florida, Terminal Area

Subpart F—Valparaiso, Florida, Terminal Area


§ 93.80 Applicability.

This subpart prescribes special air traffic rules for aircraft operating in the Valparaiso, Florida, Terminal Area.

[Doc. No. FAA-2002-13235, 68 FR 9795, Feb. 28, 2003]

§ 93.81 Applicability and description of area.

The Valparaiso, Florida Terminal Area is designated as follows:

(a) North-South Corridor. The North-South Corridor includes the airspace extending upward from the surface up to, but not including, 18,000 feet MSL, bounded by a line beginning at:

Latitude 30°42′51″ N., Longitude 86°38′02″ W.; to

Latitude 30°43′18″ N., Longitude 86°27′37″ W.; to

Latitude 30°37′01″ N., Longitude 86°27′37″ W.; to

Latitude 30°37′01″ N., Longitude 86°25′30″ W.; to

Latitude 30°33′01″ N., Longitude 86°25′30″ W.; to

Latitude 30°33′01″ N., Longitude 86°25′00″ W.; to

Latitude 30°25′01″ N., Longitude 86°25′00″ W.; to

Latitude 30°25′01″ N., Longitude 86°38′12″ W.; to

Latitude 30°29′02″ N., Longitude 86°38′02″ W.; to point of beginning.

(b) East-West Corridor—The East-West Corridor is divided into three sections to accommodate the different altitudes as portions of the corridor underlie restricted areas R-2915C, R-2919B, and R-2914B.

(1) The west section would include that airspace extending upward from the surface to but not including 8,500 feet MSL, bounded by a line beginning at: Latitude 30°22′47″ N., Longitude 86°51′30″ W.: then along the shoreline to Latitude 30°23′46″ N., Longitude 86°38′15″ W.; to Latitude 30°20′51″ N., Longitude 86°38′50″ W.; then 3 NM from and parallel to the shoreline to Latitude 30°19′31″ N., Longitude 86°51′30″ W.; to the beginning.

(2) The center section would include that airspace extending upward from the surface to but not including 18,000 feet MSL, bounded by a line beginning at:

Latitude 30°25′01″ N., Longitude 86°38′12″ W.; to

Latitude 30°25′01″ N., Longitude 86°25′00″ W.; to

Latitude 30°25′01″ N., Longitude 86°22′26″ W.; to

Latitude 30°19′46″ N., Longitude 86°23′45″ W.; then 3 NM from and parallel to the shoreline to Latitude 30°20′51″ N.,

Longitude 86°38′50″ W.; to Latitude 30°23′46″ N.,

Longitude 86°38′15″ W.; to the beginning.

(3) The east section would include that airspace extending upward from the surface to but not including 8,500 feet MSL, bounded by a line beginning at:

Latitude 30°25′01″ N., Longitude 86°22′26″ W.; to

Latitude 30°22′01″ N., Longitude 86°08′00″ W.; to

Latitude 30°19′16″ N., Longitude 85°56′00″ W.; to

Latitude 30°11′01″ N., Longitude 85°56′00″ W.; then 3 NM from and parallel to the shoreline to Latitude 30°19′46″ N., Longitude 86°23′45″ W.; to the beginning.

[Amdt. 93-70, 59 FR 46154, Sept. 6, 1994, as amended by Amdt. 93-82, 68 FR 9795, Feb. 28, 2003]

§ 93.83 Aircraft operations.

(a) North-South Corridor. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC (including the Eglin Radar Control Facility), no person may operate an aircraft in flight within the North-South Corridor designated in § 93.81(b)(1) unless—

(1) Before operating within the corridor, that person obtains a clearance from the Eglin Radar Control Facility or an appropriate FAA ATC facility; and

(2) That person maintains two-way radio communication with the Eglin Radar Control Facility or an appropriate FAA ATC facility while within the corridor.

(b) East-West Corridor. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC (including the Eglin Radar Control Facility), no person may operate an aircraft in flight within the East-West Corridor designated in § 93.81(b)(2) unless—

(1) Before operating within the corridor, that person establishes two-way radio communications with Eglin Radar Control Facility or an appropriate FAA ATC facility and receives an ATC advisory concerning operations being conducted therein; and

(2) That person maintains two-way radio communications with the Eglin Radar Control Facility or an appropriate FAA ATC facility while within the corridor.

[Amdt. 93-70, 59 FR 46155, Sept. 6, 1994]