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Aviation Training Consultants: 800-874-5346
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FAR/AIM: § 133.31 Emergency operations.

§ 133.31 Emergency operations.

(a) In an emergency involving the safety of persons or property, the certificate holder may deviate from the rules of this part to the extent required to meet that emergency.

(b) Each person who, under the authority of this section, deviates from a rule of this part shall notify the Administrator within 10 days after the deviation. Upon the request of the Administrator, that person shall provide the responsible Flight Standards office a complete report of the aircraft operation involved, including a description of the deviation and reasons for it.

[Doc. No. 24550, 51 FR 40708, Nov. 7, 1986, as amended by Amdt. 133-11, 54 FR 39294, Sept. 25, 1989; Docket FAA-2018-0119, Amdt. 133-16, 83 FR 9175, Mar. 5, 2018]