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Aviation Training Consultants: 800-874-5346
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Authority: 49 U.S.C. 114, 5103, 40113, 44901-44907, 44913-44914, 44916-44918, 44935-44936, 44942, 46105.
Source: 67 FR 8383, Feb. 22, 2002, unless otherwise noted.

§ 1550.1 Applicability of this part.

This part applies to the operation of aircraft for which there are no security requirements in other parts of this subchapter.


§ 1550.3 TSA inspection authority.

Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 35626, May 1, 2024.

(a) Each aircraft operator subject to this part must allow TSA, at any time or place, to make any inspections or tests, including copying records, to determine compliance with—

(1) This subchapter and any security program or security procedures under this subchapter, and part 1520 of this chapter; and

(2) 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII, as amended.

(b) At the request of TSA, each aircraft operator must provide evidence of compliance with this part and its security program or security procedures, including copies of records.


§ 1550.5 Operations using a sterile area.

(a) Applicability of this section. This section applies to all aircraft operations in which passengers, crewmembers, or other individuals are enplaned from or deplaned into a sterile area, except for scheduled passenger operations, public charter passenger operations, and private charter passenger operations, that are in accordance with a security program issued under part 1544 or 1546 of this chapter.

(b) Procedures. Any person conducting an operation identified in paragraph (a) of this section must conduct a search of the aircraft before departure and must screen passengers, crewmembers, and other individuals and their accessible property (carry-on items) before boarding in accordance with security procedures approved by TSA.

(c) Sensitive security information. The security program procedures approved by TSA for operations specified in paragraph (a) of this section are sensitive security information. The operator must restrict the distribution, disclosure, and availability of information contained in the security procedures to persons with a need to know as described in part 1520 of this chapter.

(d) Compliance date. Persons conducting operations identified in paragraph (a) of this section must implement security procedures on October 6, 2001.

(e) Waivers. TSA may permit a person conducting an operation under this section to deviate from the provisions of this section if TSA finds that the operation can be conducted safely under the terms of the waiver.


§ 1550.7 Operations in aircraft of 12,500 pounds or more.

(a) Applicability of this section. This section applies to each aircraft operation conducted in an aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or more except for those operations specified in § 1550.5 and those operations conducted under a security program under part 1544 or 1546 of this chapter.

(b) Procedures. Any person conducting an operation identified in paragraph (a) of this section must conduct a search of the aircraft before departure and screen passengers, crewmembers, and other persons and their accessible property (carry-on items) before boarding in accordance with security procedures approved by TSA.

(c) Compliance date. Persons identified in paragraph (a) of this section must implement security procedures when notified by TSA. TSA will notify operators by NOTAM, letter, or other communication when they must implement security procedures.

(d) Waivers. TSA may permit a person conducting an operation identified in this section to deviate from the provisions of this section if TSA finds that the operation can be conducted safely under the terms of the waiver.