CPE is designed to help you understand the standards to which you will be held so you will not deliver substandard practice to your clients and the general public in violation of GAAP, GAAS, and other generally-accepted professional accounting and auditing standards. Gleim will sensitize you to know when you should research further, get a second opinion, and/or take the high road with respect to an engagement or other professional assignment. You, as a professional, should be proud of your work product. Gleim is here to assist you.
Gleim CPE courses are in compliance with standards issued jointly by the AICPA and NASBA. Accordingly, all courses are based on a 50-minute hour. Our Certificate of Completion is accepted by all state boards of accountancy, the IRS, and many other organizations requiring CPE.
Returning users:
Log in. From the Online Courses tab in your Personal Classroom, click on your Online CPE Transcript. Then, either continue a course you have already begun or start a new course by clicking the appropriate buttons and following the directions.
New Users:
Create an account with Gleim, and then follow the directions below.
Thank you for your interest in pilot testing Gleim CPE courses. Test Pilots like you are what make Gleim CPE great!
What is a Pilot Test?
We need willing CPAs to help us test our CPE courses. We ask you to make suggestions on course strengths and weaknesses and indicate participation time required to complete each course.
What do I get for being a Test Pilot?
For your participation, you will receive free CPE credit for completed courses hours based on the average completion time.
Do I qualify to be a Gleim CPE Test Pilot?
To qualify you must: