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Burnout. And Unorthodox Ways to Beat It.

Gleim Burnout Blog Post

Burnout. And Unorthodox Ways to Beat It.

“Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long.” – Michael Gungor

Sick of studying? Can’t take in new information anymore? Unable to even look at another study page? You are most likely experiencing burnout.

There’s nothing shameful about admitting burnout during exam prep. In fact, how do people NOT get it? Throwing in an intense study schedule on top of work, parenting duties, school stress, and other real-life responsibilities such as caregiving, athletics, or chronic illness can take a toll on anybody. The risk of being emotionally and mentally drained is high.

Burnout is not just about being too busy or feeling overwhelmed…it’s feeling like your work has no purpose and you don’t have support.

We’ve seen it too many times.

It is important to find the balance between studying and rest, especially the right type of rest.

Your ability to generate power is directly proportional to your ability to relax.

The best way to prevent burnout is to acknowledge it exists, understand that it is negatively affecting you, and accept it. Approach your exam prep journey with the knowledge that preventing burnout is way easier than battling it when it arrives.

Unorthodox ways to prevent burnout

Apart from the traditional recommended ways to prevent burnout, we here at Gleim have a few other suggestions. All these ideas were proposed to us by our students. So, they are proven to work.

Elevate your studying environment

Elevate your study space

Keep your study place neat, comfortable, and pleasant. Do everything you can to set it up in such a way that you would want to go back to it. Make your study place elegant by adding some flowers. Make sure your lighting is sufficient and comfortable for your eyes. Add some scented candles for relaxation and visual effects. Get a soft blanket and a small pillow to keep yourself propped up, supported, and warm.

If you can genuinely enjoy the space you’re studying in, spending time in it won’t be as taxing on your resources.

Gourmet snacks

Snack brakes

Treat yourself to your favorite snacks during breaks. Snacks will keep you excited and motivated to finish your chapter and indulge for a little bit.

Putting this tip into practice effectively does require a bit of self control, which might be asking too much of yourself if you’re just beginning to battle burnout. If this is you, we recommend finding yourself a nice snack just for reading this article.
Even the smallest steps help add up to big gains.

Interact in social media study groups

Finding other people who are going through the same thing as you can help a lot. Our social pages are a great place to connect with others and discuss topics of interest, find help with a difficult subject, or simply to touch base and find community. It’s also a good way to see how people are handling their study routines and how they motivate each other.

Power naps

If your eyes are tired and you feel like you need to recharge, take a power nap. Even 15-20 minutes will make a big difference in your energy level. Your mind and body will thank you!

How to beat burnout

The key is to stay ahead of the game and not let burnout show up and settle in. The relentless pursuit of results can lead to a sense of never being good enough. Because how can you get over running out of gas without filling up the tank? Give yourself permission to slow down and take breaks.