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CPA Hot Topic—AICPA & NASBA International Testing Updates

Garrett Gleim sends CPA candidates bimonthly emails concerning different aspects of the CPA exam. Candidates can see the most recent email and all the archives here on the CPA Candidate Forum.

International Testing Update

Gleim recently received several updates from the AICPA and NASBA regarding testing windows and score release time lines for international CPA exam candidates. I think you will agree that this information proves that the worldwide expansion of the CPA exam is going well, so the following should be interesting to you even if you are not an international candidate. Expansion of International Testing Windows

Currently, international exams are only offered during the second month of each testing window (i.e., February, May, August, and November). Starting on January 1, 2013, however, international candidates will be able to take their exams during both months of the testing windows (i.e., January, February, April, May, July, August, October, and November). In other words, international exam-takers will have the same opportunities to sit for the exam as those testing in the 55 U.S. jurisdictions.

Improvements in International Score Release Schedule

NASBA has also indicated to us that beginning January 1, 2013, international students will receive their scores in the same time frame as candidates in the 55 US jurisdictions. I have included the score release schedule below for your information.

Day in Testing Window Target Release Timeline
Day 1 – 20 11 business days following day 20 of the testing window
Day 21 – 45 6 business days following day 45 of the testing window
Day 46 – Close of window 6 business days following the close of the testing window
After Close of Window 6 business days after receiving all scoring data for the testing window

International Testing Centers Update

Right now, selected Prometric centers in Bahrain, Kuwait, Japan, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, and Brazil provide testing to international CPA candidates. According to the AICPA, the level of demand for the exam and the availability of established Prometric centers factored into which countries are allowed to offer CPA exam testing. Through conversations with the AICPA, Gleim has learned that the AICPA and NASBA will continue to focus on opening more testing locations internationally, although this process may be slow. The organizations are gauging the success of the testing locations recently opened before allowing any other countries to begin testing. The AICPA stated, “There is no specified time frame for expanding the program beyond the five initial countries.”

Happy Holidays from Gleim

Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your interest and confidence in Gleim throughout this year. As the holiday season continues and a new year approaches, the Team here at Gleim wishes you all the best.

Do you have any questions or comments about this week’s Hot Topics article or the CPA Exam? Email me at Gleim Personal Counselors are available to help you develop a manageable study schedule and help you pass the CPA exam. Contact them at 800.874.5346, ext 498 or Take advantage of the opportunity to get help from our extraordinary team!

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